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[Games] Making a Family - Step 2
You're writing a letter or email or talking on the telephone (your pick) to your family & friends telling them about what is going on with your family. Your little ones should be starting preschool/nursery school. And you either just gave birth to your 2nd child/children (any amount of either sex) or you & your significant other have just adopted a child. (if you have chosen to adopt you must adopt a child from another country & give them names apropriate for that country)
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Dear Family and Friends,Wow! how time flies the trips have been a challenge and now with the new baby in the house... another girl. We named her Rebekkah Blake and she was 8lbs and 4oz 18in long! Micah, Emma and Noah have been in Pre-school for about 3 months now and they love it. Phillip and I have decided to send them to a private school so they attend a private Pre-school that will also have a Pre-K class for them to start in about 1yr.We have the trips in swim class and toddler dance to help them obtain better coordination skills. Well time flies when you have trips and now a new one! She already smiles and tries to hold her own head up. My Ped. says she is more advanced then others right now. I have sent some pictures as attachments for all to see so I hope you enjoy them. With Love
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Dear Relative,
We have been very busy. Faith and Sienna have now entered Ducks In a Row Nursery School. They bring home new art every day, and I'm afraid I might have to get a bigger fridge! We have adopted a little boy from Russia, a blondie named Sascha Rene. He was adopted by us at birth, but his mother got to name him. We love him and believe he will be a good addition to our growing family.
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Hello, it's been hectic around here with new new twins. Lucinda and Alyce are doing great. Their perfectly healthy and just yesterday Lucy smiled at me. My heart melted!
Luke just started preschool down the street. It was so hard seeing him go, I even cried a little. He's doing well though, he loves story time and he's met a boy named Jack who is his best friend.

This message was edited 11/25/2004, 5:02 PM

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Dear Erin - The family is doing well. I was so happy to hear Carys Joy, has been released from the NICU! You all must be so happy to have her home! I know it is so tough to see your baby in there! But, I knew when Amelia Claire was released that Carys couldn't be far behind!! Joel is adjusting well to the new baby, and Mia is thriving at home. Joel loves doting on little Mia, but he also reminds me that he needs some mommy & Joel time, too! He has also started pre-school & is absolutely loving it! He is at a Montessori school, it's fantastic for him. I hope Owen & Bronwen are doing well w/ Carys! When the girls get a little older we'll have to get together for a playdate. After spendin so much time with you in the NICU, I feel we've become good friends, we definitely have to keep in touch, esp. w/ our kids so close in age.See you soon,
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Dropping a quick line during the beginning of the holiday season.Kate and Owen started preschool in September. Both are adjusting well although I must admit Kate wasn't too happy about leaving mommy home by herself each day. We did let Kate and Owen stay home for a few days though, after we brought Landon Joseph home from the hospital. Conrad, Bethany, Kate, Owen and Landon
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Annie and Kate just started pre-school today. I was terrified taking them, but they seemed happy to be there. They are going to a montesouri school downtown. I got them each a new outfit for the first day of school, Annie had on a sleevless light yellow linen sundress, white sandals and a white bow in her chin length blonde hair. Kate was wearing a red flowered sundress with red sandals and her long dirty blonde hair in two braids with red ribbons tied at the ends. Jack and I just had our third child, a boy named Henry Nicholas. Henry was born on July 25 and weighed 9 lbs, 2 oz. He is a beautiful, healthy little boy big green eyes and a blonde fuzzy head.Annie, Kate and Henry are doing very well.
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Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Just a little update on our family for you guys...We are all very well, especially Ben. Ever since he was born people have always said how cute he is, and I can certainly see why. He looks a lot like Tom because he's dark haired and kind of wiry, but he's got blue eyes like me. He just started going to nursery school three days a week and he absolutely loves it, especially finger painting (he gets that from his dad because I can't draw to save my life!)As you guys might know, we're dividing our time between London and Los Angeles seeing as Tom's now getting to be a bit of a hot-shot at game designing. It means he's away a lot so I don't get to see him as much, but we talk over webcams and on the phone as much as possible so Ben gets to see Daddy. Thankfully Tom managed to negotiate his contract so he could be there when I gave birth again. We now have another son, Dylan Thomas. He was born on 31 May at 4:16 AM and weighed 7lbs 6oz, and is the spitting image of his brother who's really happy he'll have someone else to play football with!Much love,Laura, Tom, Ben and Dylan
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Hey, everyone.Believe it or not, Rosemary is now old enough to start school, and she seems to enjoy it. Well, she got into a fight with another girl on her first day - she's very hot-tempered, takes after her mum in that respect - but she's settled down now.
Meanwhile, we've had another baby, a boy this time; Andrew Oscar. He was 8lbs, 4oz and born at the same place as Rosemary, the Laura Cruz hospital, at 8:14pm on the 7th of December, just in time for the Only Fools And Horses special on TV.
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Hello everyone ...Mia & Dominic just started pre-school, they are so excited! They're already reading at an advanced level and are taking piano lessons every week (their idea actually). They both have very curly hair just like their mom & dad, Mia's is a golden blonde and Dom's is a bit darker. They both have my hazel brown eyes as well. Their very well-mannered and well-spoken for such a young age, and they are absolutely thrilled at the arrival of their little sister. Jocelyn Willow was born July 7 weighing 8 lbs. She has my hazel eyes, just like her brother & sister, and fairly dark hair for now. She's absolutely adorable and Curtis and I are so happy that she is finally here.Hope everyone is doing well and we hope to hear back from you all soon.

This message was edited 11/22/2004, 11:39 PM

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Merry Christmas From the Horvath Family!!Hi everyone! Just a little update on our mad family!Atticus Emmanuel, Phineas Maximilian & Caspian Aloysius have turned 4, the party was hectic but so much fun! They all have dark hair like their father Pierre and my hazel eyes. Funnily their hair is.. curly!! We dont know where they got it from (possibly Grandfather)
Atticus has started to learn the cello, Phineas the violin and Caspian the clarinet. They are all taking ballet lessons and singing lessons and they love it, they all love swimming and can swim by themselves. They are enrolled at St.Ignatius private school and they love it.Speaking of loving, the boys love their little brother Emeric Barnabas! Emer is almost 2 and is a cute little moneky, his curly dark hair is very wild and he has the same dark eyes as Pierre. He loves going to his ballet dancing classes and he has just started to learn the violin though when he is a bit bigger he wants to swap to Trumpet. He is our wild child and loves doing everything ruff!!Thats all!
Bec, Pierre
Atti, Phin, Cassie & Emer
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Dear Matt,
Bennett and Margaret have just started preschool! They are very excited. Benny is learning to wrestle every Saturday and Markie has said she wants to learn to play field hockey. Ben and Markie love having the new baby around. Johann Henry is his name (after is his great-opa) but we like to call him Jack. Ben is being particulary affectionate with Jack. DH and I are also having a wonderful time.
I hope all is well with you.The Ritzes
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DW: Eilish Muirenn
DH: Rory PeadarDD: Grania EilishHello everybody!Sorry about the lack of correspondance on our part as of late, but it has been very busy couple of weeks for us. First off, little Grania has just started nursery school. I know you are all dying to see pictures of her first day. I'm sure the ones I included came as quite a shock. Yes, after three and a half years, we finally gave our little bugaboo a hair cut. And at her insistance, too. Grania insisted on getting "big girl hair" for her first day. Rory has taken to calling her 'Little Orphan Annie.' Who knew her hair would curl so much more without all that length?Anyhow, Grania was a little hesitant to join the other kids at first, but now loves spending time with her friends. Luckily, little Katie from next door is in the same class. She still crys a little when we drop her off, but her teacher assures us that it stops the instant we leave. Go figure, eh?I'm sure you are all waiting to hear about our big weekend. Everything in Hungary went beautifully, and we are now the proud parents of Rosza Gyongi and Rudolf Miklos. The twins are doing wonderful. Since they are already eighteen months, they are walking all over the place - we can hardly keep up. Luckily, they seem to have taken to are family much easier than any of us have expected. Grania is a little jealous, naturally, but loves having two playmates at her disposal. Most of the pack we sent you is of our three darlings having a tea party. As you can see, that didn't go quite as expected! Their black hair and brown eyes stand out from Grania's red hair and blue eyes, don't they? I had better get back to the real children before they tear the house down. Take care,
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Hehe, let's make our daughters go to the same pre-school. My daughter's name is Katie - maybe we live next door to you!
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Dear Friends & Family:
Hello. How are all of you doing? I hope all is well. We are all doing good. Augustus is an adorable little boy. He is rather small for his age, but he gets that from me. He also has my dark features. He's a very shy, intelligent boy who prefers playing by himself. He speaks German & English fluently. He just started kindergarten, which is more similar to the American preschool than Kindergarten. It's held by a St. Aloysius & run by an older woman, who seems to me like the ideal Oma. She is very good with Augustus, who has a lot of trouble being away from him Muttis. Amy is working as a Physics teacher at the Heidelberg Gymnasium, a college prepatory school popular in Germany. I'm still a 'stay at home mum', for lack of better words, but that's not entirely by choice. I just gave birth to twins, a boy & girl. We'd like you all to meet Ophelia Mary & Thelonius Ben. They were born on 20.June. Naturally they aren't identical twins, but it's sure hard to tell them apart. Well, I best get going, it's bedtime for the twins and Augustus. Hope to hear from you all soon.
Elle*, Amy, Augustus, Ophelia, & Thelonius
*until I decide what I want my new name to be)
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Hey Everyone!
It's so good to hear from you all again. Marcus and I are doing well, though we're tired, and the kids are fantastic as usual.

Malcolm Robert Morgan aka "Mack" is loving preschool. He's become quite the little sports star He desperately wants a soccer ball and hockey skates. They have a mini-program for the kids at his school, and he will sit and watch them all day if he could. He's still the youngest for the age level though, and we'd like to wait another year but don't be suprised if you're tripped by a tiny ball soon. Marc is also showing Mack all about hockey. My little boy it seems is hooked. Skating season is almost here and we've decided to give him lessons and skates, when they'll fit him for more than a week. he's already been out with Dad twice and it took almost three days for him to lose the grin. And I'm guessing you all want to hear about the babies (Don't worry I'll send photos soon Mom). Bronwen Elizabeth Anne and Gwendolen Anna Blythe were born on the 9th of October. "Bron" born first and weighed in at 6lbs 5 ounces and measured 17 inches. "Gwen" was born 2 hours later and weighed in at 6lbs 3 ounces and measured 16.5 inches. They've been home almost two months now, and Marcus and I are both tired but happy. Mack is completely floored. He's fascinated by the girls, and won't let his cousins near them. It's funny to watch though I know our neices would disagree. The girls themselves are a joy. Bron is already proving to be the dramatic sort, she'll cry and cry until her Daddy finds her and then all is right with the world. Gwen is the happy-go-lucky of the duo and smiles all the time. She's rarely fussy or crankyand will sleep for hours on Daddy without making a noise. Marc is wrapped around their tiny fingers.

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Aunt Beatrice-
How are you? It has been so hectic around here. Kiran and I have been so busy with Violet going to preschool (my little girl, getting so big!) and little Enid Cecilia. Violet is getting along so well with Enid--she calls her Minnie and it is so cute to watch them together. The girls, Kiran, and I can't wait to see you and Uncle George at Thanksgiving!
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Dropping you a quick hi,Edwin has started preschool and he loves it. He is making lots of friends and is proud to be a big brother to his little sisters Audrey Elizabeth and Ingrid Catherine.
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Dear All,Just an update from the Gray family. Little Katie has started pre-school and is absolutely loving it. She comes home telling us about a different 'boyfriend' every week. This week it is Lucas. She loves having a baby brother to play with every afternoon. Ryan Barrett adores his older sister.Hope to catch up with everyone soon!Georgia & Paul
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DW: Lisa Marie
DH: Jonathan Oliver
DS/DS: Isaiah Michael "Izzy" & Gabriel Theodore "Gabe"
DS: Oliver Jude "Ollie"Dear Family & Friends,Izzy and Gabe started preschool this past October and are now getting ready for the holidays. Jon and I have been doing lots of activities with them to help the boys get excited about Thanksgiving. We should be driving down to the Detroit area for both Thanksgiving and Christmas and will see you soon. Be prepared to see our newest little addition, Oliver, once again this Christmas season. Izzy and Gabe have addapted well to the new move out here in the Upper Pennisula and also in there new school. They have also been a great help with Ollie and they just adore him. Love Always,Lisa, Jon, Izzy, Gabe & Little Ollie. P.S.
We're looking foward to seeing you soon.
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