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[Games] Making a family - Step 3
Your eldest is officially starting school and has brought home his/her progress report. Tell us all what it says about how well they are doing. Your second eldests may be starting pre-/nursery school. When you went to pick up him/her you spoke to the teacher awhile who told you about how your little one(s) are/were doing. Tell us what she said. Plus there is a new addition to your family. Either you've just adopted another child (again from another country w/ an appropriate name) or you've adopted a pet for your children.
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It is report time for Micah, Noah and Emma... they are in 1st grade at Dullas Christian Academy and their teacher Mrs. Fletcher just loves them. They have been a real challenge and treat she tells me in a note with their grades.Micah scored well this time... Reading 91, Math 97(his best subject)Bible Drillers class 96(it is a class in Christian schools),English 85,Conduct 80--teacher note: he needs to get a handle on talking during quiet time--Science 90 and Social Studies 87 Art/Music 99Noah scored lower than usual this time---Reading 88, Math 78, Bible Drillers 98(his most favorite time of day), English 80, Conduct 90, Science 76, Social Studies 79 snf Art/Music 93Emma is always taunting the boys.. she has scored Reading 99 math 98 BD 99 English 100 Conduct 98 Science 100 Social Studies 100 Art/Music 100At the teacher confrence I have learned that Emma teases her brothers ruthlessly about their scores on papers... Phillip and I need to talk about putting her in a higher grade.Rebekkah is in the same school just in the pre-school and Pre-K area and her teacher is always telling us she is rowdy and distracted. We are worried that she may be hyperactive. She is always smiling though and a delight to have around is what Mrs. Newton tells me.We have been talking about adopting a dog for the kids to play with and start learning basic responsibliity with. We talked about several breeds and decided to go to the Great Pyranese rescue and we fell in love wtih Bella. A month later we brought Bella home.
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The two oldest, Faith and Sienna, are now in kindergarten. They have brought home their reports. We were pleased. Sienna is a bit talkative, though... Sienna and Faith's teacher, Mrs. Wiessel, said they were very bright.
We adopted another baby. This one is from France. Her name is Azure Colette Jolie. She was two months old when we adopted her. She, unlike our others, has brown hair and brown doe eyes. She is beautiful. We can't wait for her to start talking.
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The two oldest, Faith and Sienna, are now in kindergarten. They have brought home their reports. We were pleased. Sienna is a bit talkative, though... Sienna and Faith's teacher, Mrs. Wiessel, said they were very bright.
We adopted another baby. This one is from France. Her name is Azure Colette Jolie. She was two months old when we adopted her. She, unlike our others, has brown hair and brown doe eyes. She is beautiful. We can't wait for her to start talking.
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The two oldest, Faith and Sienna, are now in kindergarten. They have brought home their reports. We were pleased. Sienna is a bit talkative, though... Sienna and Faith's teacher, Mrs. Wiessel, said they were very bright.
We adopted another baby. This one is from France. Her name is Azure Colette Jolie. She was two months old when we adopted her. She, unlike our others, has brown hair and brown doe eyes. She is beautiful. We can't wait for her to start talking.
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Tucker, Lucas Holden
Math: C
Science: B
Phys. Ed: A
Reading: A
Writing: AMs. Lorrain says my girls are doing just great. They are so unique even if they have the same face. Lucy plays with a group of girls that sticks to themselves and Alyce floats around from friend to friend.Today my DH brought home a tiny yellow kitten and the whole family is just in love. Looks like the kitty is here to stay!
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Rebecca & Pierre
Atticus Emmanuel, Phineas Maximilian & Caspian Aloysius
Emeric Barnabas
Peregrine Inigo Atticus, Phineas and Caspian have started big school. They are attending St.Ignatius private school. The school is large and is centralised around the performing arts, which is why we sent the boys there.Atticus is doing well, he is a sound boy who enjoys his lessons and accels at Dancing (ballet), Music and Choir. He is in the schools junior orchestra having earning himself a position playing Cello. He is top of the class for history and the class enjoy his never ending facts about Egyptian Mythology.Caspian is also doing very well, he is a very lovable boy. The class is always entertained by Cassie and although he has a quick mind, he sometimes uses it to joke rather than to work. Like Atticus he is doing well in Dancing, Music and Choir. He has managed to be accepted into both the schools jr orchestra playing clarinet but also in the jr. stage band playing Saxaphone. We have discovered that he has a gift for maths and is top of the class. Phineas is racing ahead. He is a very gifted boy and is near the top of the class for all subjects. He loves Dancing, Music and Choir. More than his studies he excels in music. He has managed to become 1st violin in the jr orchestra and has a place in the middle school orchestra. He has a flair for anything artistic and is a remarkable painter.We talked to Emeric teacher Mr Ellison. Emer is doing well at pre-school though he is a bit selective when it comes to doing work! He has a very quick mind and is way ahead of his age but prefers doing creative things like his brothers. His teacher said he would be ready for kindergarten this year but thinks he should stay where he is so he can learn to calm down (he is a bit of a monkey!)

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Hey all,
Here's Rosemary's lastest school report, for those interested..."PLUMSTONE, Rosemary Louisa
Rosemary has steadily been making progress throughout the school year, and has shown good skills in English, Music and Mathematics. However, she does have trouble grasping simple ideas in Science and needs a lot of help before she can start to understand. Rosemary also proves quite a distraction for the other children and needs to learn to save conversation for the playground."Meanwhile, I was approached by Miss. Lee, Andrew's nursery teacher, while I was waiting to pick him up."Hiii." She gave me a cheery smile. "You must be Andrew's mummy."
"Sure, whatever."
"I was wondering if we had time for a little chat...?" She eyed my leather jacket wearily. There was no need to, I only got it from a Next sale.
"Shoot." I grabbed Andrew's hand before he could run off and try to climb a nearby bollard (he has a fasination with the things).
"Well...I don't mean to pry..."
"Well don't, then."
She gave a nervous laugh. "The thing is...Andrew's very quiet. He hardly says a word...he doesn't ask for anything, he just does it."
"That'll be his sister."
"She doesn't let him get a word in." I gave her a brief smile. "Can I go now?"
"I think he's finding it hard to make friends..."
"I'm sure he'll manage. Come along, Andrew." I tugged at Andrew's hand and led him away up the street as fast as I could.Rosemary suddenly became obsessed with the idea of owning a kitten. We wouldn't let her, so she hid behind the fridge until we reached a compromise, a small fish in a bowl. She warmed to it immediately, and called it "Kitten Food".
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I like Kitten Food
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Katharine Eleanor Gray
"Katharine is a delightful child to have in the classroom. She is a good all-rounder, excelling particularly in English and Literature. However, she is a bit quiet and could benefit from taking part in more class discussions."CONVERSATION WITH RYAN BARRETT'S PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER
Teacher (T): "Oh, hello. You must be Ryan's mother."
Georgia (G): "Yes, I am. It's nice to see you again."
T: "And you. Ryan's a very sweet little boy."
G: "Oh, I'm so glad to hear it. He's so much noisier than his sister was at this age, I was worried that he'd be a handful when he got to pre-school."
T: "No, not at all. He has lots of friends and seems to be very popular with the little girls."
G: "Good, good. Anyway, it was nice to talk to you!"
T: "And you. Good-bye!"THE NEW PET
Georgia, Paul, Katie and Ryan would like to announce the adoption of their new puppy, a black Labrador named Nala (Katie chose it after her favourite cartoon character). A very playful puppy.
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Annie and Kate are now in first grade at Buist Academy. They are in seperate classes but still play together at recess and sit together at lunch. They love eachother so much, and are unbelievably close. Annie is doing very well in her first grade class. They teacher says she excells at reading and writing, but seems to be having some difficulty with math and telling time. She says Annie is a joy to teach and gets along well with others. Kate is also doing well, excelling in all of her subjects. The teacher says Kate often gets off track and tends to talk during lessons. They say Kate is very popular with her classmates, but needs to work on completely her work.Henry is in pre-school at the same school Annie and Kate went to. Henry loves it and has made lots of little friends. The teacher informed me that he is very bright and very sociable. He shares well and gets along well with the other children. Henry has a head full of shaggy blonde hair and big adorable hazel eyes. Jack and I also adopted twins from England. We named them Eliza Caroline and William Thomas. Eliza and William are now 6 months old and are doing very well. All of the children love them and accept them. Eliza and William both have very dark, almost black hair, fair skin, rosy cheeks and china blue eyes. They are beautiful babies.Well... that's it, those are my "kids"! Annie, Kate, Henry, Eliza and William.
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DW: Eilish Muirenn
DH: Rory PeadarDD: Grania Eilish
DD/DS: Rozsa Gyongyi* / Rudolf Miklos*typoed her names last time - whoops! Grania has just got back her first progress report from her kindergarden teacher, Miss Avery. Although she is a little shy with the other kids and tends to stick to a small circle of friends, her teacher is pleased with her academic level. Mr. Eniwa, her music teacher, is very impressed with her piano playing and thinks that our bugaboo could go far if she decides to stick with it. We've decided to take a leaf out of our Georgia and Paul's notebook and have enrolled Grania in gymnastics with their daughter, Katie. Hopefully, she will start to become more confidant and interact more with the other children.Rozsa and Rudolf have started nursery school. According to their teacher, Nancy, they are very spirited. I think that could very well translate into little terrors! The twins are quite a handful at times - especially when Rozsa becomes over-excited and gets her brother worked up! Still, Nancy is pleased with their socialization skills and they have many friends in their class - including little Ryan - Katie's brother from next door. They love participating in all of the school activities, although Rozsa favours the puppet theatre while Rudy loves the water table.Rory and I have decided that Rudolf needs another boy in the house - although we try to raise all of our children the same, he loves to do typical little boy things that Rozsa won't participate in.

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Markie and Ben brought home their progress reports today. Both Markie and Ben are struggling a bit in reading but seem to be excelling math, just like I did.
Jack is starting school! Today when I picked him up I spoke to his teacher about his behavior. Apparently he was taking people's pictures today when they were painting. She suggested I talk to him.
Finally, there is a new addition to our family! Her name is Jezebel Anne but we like to call her Jess. She was born with a hair full hair??
The Ritz family
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Oh my! Violet Josephine has just started kindergarten and Enid Cecilia is in her second year of preschool. I am so amazed. I thought Vi was getting big in preschool, but now she's a little Miss. Both of their teachers gave good reports on them. To celebrate their starting school so well, Alex and I got a little fluffy white kitten, named Alice.
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Benjamin Peter Wood
'Ben is a cheerful little boy with a wonderful smile and an aptitude for writing and reading. He's also very artistic and has had several pictures on the wall of the classroom. Whilst he's usually the leader of his little group of friends, he isn't bossy at all, although sometimes I have to tell him to be quiet because he never stops chatting!'Conversation with Dylan's pre-school teacher:
'Dylan's so adorable, isn't he?'
'That's what everyone says.' *proud smile* 'Is he doing OK? I was a little worried about him starting out here...'
'He spends quite a bit of time by himself, but he does get on well with one or two other children although I think he's struggling a little to make friends. Don't worry though, I'm sure he just needs a little more confidence in himself. How's Ben, by the way?'
'Oh, he's doing great...'Also, we just got a dog! Poppy is a black Labrador/whippet cross with white patches on her chest and paws. We got her from the local animal rescue centre here in the area of London where we live. She's really lively and is more of a handful than the boys put together, but they absolutely adore her. Tom reckons she should try out for Liverpool because she plays football like there's no tomorrow!

This message was edited 11/24/2004, 12:37 PM

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DW: Lisa Marie
DH: Jonathan Oliver
DS/DS: Isaiah Michael "Izzy" / Gabriel Theodore "Gabe" - 8
DS: Oliver Jude "Ollie" - 4
DDog: Simon - 1Izzy and Gabe are doing great. Gabe is excelling in all areas of school just like his daddy did. Izzy, like I did, needs a little help with Math. With a tutor, he should be back on track. Both of the boys are in soccer and they just love it! Izzy is an awesome goalie just like I was while Gabe is a great defenseman. Also they are in the Thanksgiving school play. Izzy plays the part of the turkey, while Gabe plays the part of the lead pilgrim. Also they love to hang out with their best friends Nathaniel “Nate” & DominikDom”, who are both brothers as well. They are the children of my best friend Nicole. Also Gabe is an adamant skateboarder while Izzy is adamant snowboarder.Ollie just started preschool and he just loves it. His teacher, Mrs. Hannigan, says he is full of energy (No suprise here) and that he plays well with others. He has made lots of friends. His best friend at the moment is a little boy named Christian who lives just a few blocks away. Ollie is a little soldier and loves anything G.I. Joe. His room is decorated in camouflage and he has about three pairs of camouflage outfits. Ollie has grown to be an animal lover and is having a blast with our newest addition, Simon.

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This message was edited 11/23/2004, 1:32 PM

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Greeting everyone!
Mack (Malcolm Robert Morgan) brought home his first report card today. We were rather amazed. His fascination with all things sports Marc and I had presumed would have a negative effect on his grades, it was just the opposite in fact. Though his effort could be better (this was said in a conference) his grades are excellent, particularly in the sciences. He's apparently friends with everyone and his project on his hockey skates was a big hit. Who knew? He's doing well all in all and our sports fan has burst forth as the "Co-Captain" of each team he's on. I know the competetivness is mine, but the sport ability must be from his father. He's still a joy, and despite the hectic schedule, he keeps everyone smiliming.
The twins are doing well in preschool and have proved to be as different as night and day. Bron (Bronwen Elizabeth Anne) is a little tomboy. She's turned into her big brother's shadow and makes herself a nuisance to Mack and his friend's boys' club. She's definitely her father's daughter, and looks like him except for her eyes which are identical to mine. She spends her time outside of preschool chasing after her brother on the hockey rink (we caved and let her use Mack's old skates.) She's actually very good especially for her age and is determined to be as good as Mack. I don't doubt she will soon enough. She's also taken to trying to tear around the fields on Toby(Mack's pony). She's a handful by herself and fearless doesn't begin to explain it. She's got a heart of gold but is so full of energy that it's often overshadowed. She'll be our second little sports star soon.
Gwen (Gwendolen Anna Blythe) is the quiet one. She sits with her dolls and will play for hours. She's figured how to get Mack to slow down and play with her. Mack adores her. She loves to help with anything girly, and she's fansinated by her new baby brother. She's the little mother of all of them.

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Progress Report:
Augustus Mack S_
Augustus excells at languages, his knowledge of English as well as his ability w/ his native German is impressive @ only 6 years old. He has also mastered math far quicker than most of the other students. He is a sweet boy who doesn't act like his better than anyone despite his intellect. His only problem w/ school is his anti-social behaviour. Augustus has not made any friends at school & prefers to spend most of the time by himself. I've tried to encourage him to play w/ other students, but it has not suceeded. This often happens w/ gifted Students. *conversation w/ pre-school teacher*
"Ophelia & Thelonius are such darling children"
"Thank you, & how are they doing in school"
"There is not a single child in here who doesn't like Ophelia or Thelonius. They are both so helpful & friendly to the other children. They all think Ophelia is such a funny little girl. And eventhough Thelonius has a tendancy in liking to be in charge, the other children don't mind because he doesn't order them around. They really are pleasures to have. By the way how is Augustus"
"Oh, he is doing well..."
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DuhThe other day a little puppy came into the garten & was playing w/ Augustus. You should have seen him. He was so ecstatic, I've never seen himmso happy playing w/ anyone other than himself. He begged us to let him keep her. We couldn't resist. AFter a visit w/ a vet to make sure she was healthy we learned she was about a year old, perfect age for Augustus, & won't get very big full-grown. She's 100% mutt w/ brown fur. Her nose & around her eyes are dark & all her paws have little white socks on (that's what Ophelia & Thelonius call them). She is a very sweet pupy who follows Augustus around, she even sleeps w/ him. We're so happy that he has a friend now. We let Augustus name her. He chose Mimi, but he didn't tell us why.
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Lacking new addition...How come you don't have a pet/new children?

This message was edited 11/23/2004, 7:51 AM

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I forgot :) I realized after I turned off my computer. I added out new addition
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Edwin's report card is what we were expecting; strong in social studies and languages and fairly average in mathematics and science. This mainly because he has an interest in books and history, much like his father. Audrey Elizabeth and Ingrid Catherine are doing well in preschool according the teacher. They play with children other than each other, although Ingird is more outgoing than Audrey. Audrey likes to paint a fair bit but her language skills are slightly less developed than hoped for at this stage.The family has a new pet, Dudley, the Norwich terrier. We named him Dudley because it is what Edwin used to call me before he could say dad properly.
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