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[Games] Make Your family Step 3
All your kiddos are in school now and there is a snag with the youngest going to the principle office.Some member of the family has been told they have an illness that is not curable but treatable(find a good one and it has to be a legit illness)You are expecting(b or g or twin or other)
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Dear friends and family:Matt and Jamie are in Kindergarten, and Bella is in fifth grade. Unfortunately, Jamie has decided it would be fun to fling water balloons at his teacher and got in big trouble- a very long trip to the time-out chair, a trip to the principal's office, and he is grounded for a week. At least Bella has grown out of her difficult stage. (Although, if she knew I wrote this, she was have a fit of embarrassment.)I have been informed that Matt has brittle bones- it is not curable, but with special care, it's possible to prevent too many injuries. However, we have been warned that he will spend a lot of time in hospitals, in casts, on crutches, using slings, in wheelchairs, etc. On a brighter note, I am expecting! Chris and I have chosen not to find out the sex. I am due on November 28. Love,
Hannah and fetus, Chris,
Bella, Matt, Jamie
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Hi everyone!The kids are all doing really well at school - Ben's still getting top marks for his creative writing, and Danny and Millie absolutely love being in second grade. I can't get over the other day when I went to see Danny's teacher and she showed me his maths workbook - he got nearly every question right. Nobody in the family has a clue where that came from!We had a little problem with Millie the other day though. She's always been a chatty kid, but I guess she must have got over-excited because she just wouldn't stop talking to her friend Hannah. Then of course when her teacher told her that if she wasn't quiet she'd get sent to the principal's office, she didn't hear her and got in trouble. I think she learnt her lesson because we banned her from playing soccer for a week as punishment for being naughty, which is a shame because she loves it but we felt we had to do it.Also we had a little scare the other week. I got a call from Danny's teacher saying he'd collapsed, so of course I called Tom and we both rushed to the hospital. It turned out he's diabetic and because he'd let his blood sugar levels drop (sometimes when he's being active he forgets to eat) he'd had to be rushed to hospital. Of course he loved having such a fuss made over him, and he was so brave when he had to have his blood sugar tested and an insulin injection. My best friend's dad has diabetes so she's been helping us out with Danny's new diet of what he can and can't eat.Finally, I'm going to be a mum again! My due date is only a month away and everyone's so excited. We don't know what sex the baby is yet but Millie wants a little sister, and of course the boys want a brother. Personally I'd quite like a girl to balance things out, but I'll just be happy if we have a healthy baby whether it's a boy or a girl.
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DH: Jonathan Patrick
DW: Lisa Marie
DS/DS: Isaiah Michael "Izzy" & Gabriel Theodore "Gabe" - 9
DS/DS: Julian Samuel "Jules" & Everett Malcolm "Rett" - 5
DS: Vincent Raphael "Vince" - InfantIzzy & Gabe are now in the fourth grade and are doing very good. Gabe has be diagnosed with ADHD but we have not put him on the medication. Instead, the family has applied stradegies into the equasion that we have learned from a specialist. Also we have changed Gabe's diet because certain foods with aggravate the situation. It has worked wonders and Gabe couldn't be happier. Izzy also has come along way with his social skills and has made plenty of friends.Jules & Rett are now in Kindergarten and for the most part are doing great. Rett was recently been sent to the princepal's office for getting into a fight with another boy. This was quite a suprise to both Jon and I because Rett has never been agressive. Apparently, Jules was getting picked on by another boy while they were playing blocks. Jules being shy like his brother Izzy didn't saying anything about it to the teacher. Rett decided to take it upon himself to teach that boy not to pick on his brother by attacking him. Of course Jon and I don't want our son(s) being picked on through school and we also don't want are children to resolve it by fighting. The princepal said the other boy was in alot more trouble that Rett was, but wants us to have a talk with Rett so he tells someone rather than to hit someone. We also plan on talking to Jules, to make sure he doesn't just let other boys pick on him.

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What a week it has been! Ryan and Ollie love school, Ollie especially, he's just so keen to learn and is always bursting through the door at the end of the day, excitably sharing his latest knowledge with Mark and I. Ryan's plodding along happily but is happier out kicking a ball around than doing his homework. Alyssa and Daniel are loving their first year at 'big kids school' as they call it. Alyssa has just started dance and gymnastic lessons and her gym teacher thinks she may have quite a talent. Daniel, however, is our little mischief maker. He was so sick as a baby that I think Mark and I may have let him get away with a bit too much, just yesterday he ended up in the principals office for tipping one of his classmates juice all over her when she wouldn't give him any! Its a bit of a worry. However, at the moment i'm more worried about my own Dad, hes just been diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease, a nervous disorder that causes mobility problems. His condition isn't too bad just yet but we've been warned it could deteriorate. AND to top this week off, with good news this time, i'm pregnant again!Love
Anna, Mark, Ryan, Ollie, Alyssa and Daniel
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Greetings,Well, we've been having quite a time as of late. Wes was sent to the principal's office yesterday for swearing in class! His kindergarten teacher was not amused. I was mortified. Jan and I try not to swear in front of the kids, but I everyone slips sometimes. I guess we just slipped a few times too many. Oh well. Jan and I had a firm talk with him about it, and I think he understands that swearing is inappropriate, but we'll see. I just hope that Magnus doesn't pick up on this habit too.Speaking of poor Magnus, he's been diagnosed with Irriable Bowel Syndrome. It's been quite an adventure. He's been missing lots of school because he's been home sick and messy. The doctors have given me a huge, giant list of foods he shouldn't eat anymore and prescribed some medications. He's been on meds for two weeks now and its starting to help, thank goodness. Last week was his first full week of kindergarten without getting sick. On friday I took him shopping and bought him a Han Solo action figure to celebrate (yes, at age 5 he's already addicted to star wars).Lyris is doing well. She's started voice lessons. She wants to be an opera singer. We'll see how that goes. She's in the school chorus and is auditioning for the play. I can't believe she's in fifth grade already.And... guess what! I'm expecting! We're having another set of twins, god help me, due in four months, two girls whom we're calling Acacia Susan and Pearl Fiona.Love,
Elsa, Jan, Lyris, Magnus, Wesley, and (soon) Acacia and Peal.~ Arcadia
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Dearest Mummy, Luna, and Vespers,Just a little missal to keep you all caught up on the crazy household. :) Both of the girls have been as good as gold, but Edie--she's switched to Edie now; I think she thinks that Dithy and Dither aren't respectable, but how would a seven year old know?--hasn't been keeping a good eye on her brother lately.Terry's been off to see Principal Raditch (isn't it weird that he's a Raditch? Do you remember that horrible Degrassi show? But we're not in Canada, so it's not too much of a similarity) three times as of late. The poor boy just has too much energy, I think--he's constantly talking in class and can't sit still. It makes me wish I would have taken Zanna out of kindergarten and started homeschooling her. All three children are so spirited that they simply need a lot of release time.Unfortunately, they're trying to sell the ADHD line on us, and I'm hesitant to buy it. I've been seriously thinking of taking them out of school. Zanna's expressed interest in this, and I think that Edie and Terry would benefit, too.In other news, Farley's been really achy lately. The doctors think he's got fibromyalgia. It's scary, because I don't want him to be in such pain as that disorder brings, but I think we'll be all right. He'll be on medication to ease the pain and help him sleep, so hopefully, we'll be fine.Oh, and guess what? We've got another child on the way! It's only one, thank God. If it's a girl, she'll be Judith Irene. A boy will be Roger Falconer.Hope you're all doing fine. Luna, tell me how dear little Irving is!Tam
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Rebecca & Pierre
Aloysius "Fox" 8
Atticus "Rune" & Phineas "Jory" 5
Fox is doing brilliantly in year 4, he is the youngest by a long shot (a year and a half) but he is doing well, the only aspect of class that isnt so good is his socialising, because he is so young. But he has made many friends int he school gymnastics team, the orchestra and the ballet class.Our mischeif makers Rune and Jory were sent to the principle's office! Being as flexible and nimble as they are, when they were in P.E they decided to shinny up the highest tree and swing by their knee's, unfortunately they scared their teacher, she almost had a heart attack. Thank god they didnt get suspended!!We have also had a new arrival, our newest son (again!) Emmanuel "Amias"WE have also found out that Fox has epilepsie, he is coping well.
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Quick questionAre the names in quote their middle names? I don't understand how the names are comming from the first names.
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Harper is growing so fast. She's in the 5th grade now and is doing very well. The twins are into 3rd grade now and they arent doing as well. Evan and I had to have aa confrence with the school principal because Ambrose got into a fight with another boy. I was very disappointed in him, and I'm trying to help him deal with his temper.
On a low note my father is back into the hospital for his drug addiction. I knows he is never going to be cured but I wish he would atleast let it be treated and take it serious.
I hope my coming son will never be effected by this. That's right, I'm pregnant again with a little boy. He should be coming a long in a few months.
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Finally a minute to breath. All three are in school and doing fine grade wise but Hannah and Scarlett have proved to be the trouble makers in the family. Last week they got sent to the principle's office for leaving the sinks running in the girls bathroom. They wanted to see how long it would take for the school to fill up. Luckily they didnt get into too much trouble but they did have to clean up thier mess. Aiden is now in 6th grade and the twins in 1st.My younger brother Seth's son Joey went to the hospital last month. He was pretty sick. He's fine now that they found out that he has Diabetes. It's nothing unexpected. It runs in our family. Only now Little Joe has to have 2 shots a day and hes only 4. Poor Boy.Oh and one more thing. Were expecting again. We know that its a boy and his name will be Ethan Sean.
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Dear family and friends - We are happy to announce that we are expecting again. We do not know the sex, but even the boys are hoping for a girl. Nathan and I will be happy as long as the baby is healthy. Wyatt is now 7 and in the second grade. Atticus and Joseph are in kindergarten. We can't believe that their first year of school is nearly half over and that they will be 6 years old in a month. We recently found out that Grandpa Scott has prostate cancer, but he is doing very well and will continue treatment.Take care,Chelsea
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Dear James my dear and only brother leftYou have been missed much and I am writing to let you know about your nephews and niece to catch you up on things.First last week the twins in just the first month of 2nd grade were sent to the principles office!! They wanted to see if the school mascot was real so they tried to pull off it head ... you know the other mascots they have seen are just people in suits... they have been suspended for 3days ... thank God it is only for that long.Owain is doing well .. we had him tested for the 5th grade and he was put in 5th so he can be in his own age group and he has proven himself to be very smart.. won the Regional Science Fair last week and will go to State in a month.Some good news James... Connor and I are expecting again and the sonogram revealed to us more than one child... we are having TRIPLETS!!!!! 2 girls and 1 boyWe have decided to call them B-Orrin Matthew(after our big brother Orrin)
G/G-Moyra Onora/Neasa IsibealBut with good news must come bad litte Owain Colum had been feeling ill for about the past 2 or 3 months .. very tired and what not.. so we took him to see Dr. Nuballi and he was tested for many things and they come back saying he had Juvinile Diabetes... so it is a lifetime of medicine and diet regulation!! We are hoping it does not make him feel different from the rest of the family. But now you know not to send sweets to him from now on ok more later love
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