I couldn't find it in any Scandinavian name book - the closest I can get is "Willema" which is a Low
German short form of
The Norwegian author
Margit Sandemo used the name Villemo in her novel series "Sagaen om Isfolket", which made the name popular.
Norwegian names beginning with Vil- usually are variant forms of Old
German names beginning with
Wil- (Old High
German 'willio' = willing).
The name's suffix is quite common in Norwegian last names deriving from place names (see the author's surname Sandemo). '
Mo' is the Norwegian word for "heath, heathland".
I couldn't find any other Norwegian _first_ names ending on '-mo'. Maybe the suffix is some variant form of 'mod' ('móðr' in Old Norse) which means "spirit, mind" and is a common part of Norwegian names (both male and female), like Modhild, Modgunn, Modstein,
Tormod etc. or there's a connection to names ending on '-møy', which means "maiden".
Well, I'm afraid, this is nothing but wild guessing... ;)
Säg gärna till ifall du finner ut nånting om namnet!