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[Facts] Leigh Taylor-Young
I've heard the actress Leigh Taylor-Young's first name pronounced as 'lay'. Is that the correct pronunciation, or is it 'lee' as in Vivien Leigh?Thank you
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My daughter's middle name is Leigh (pronounced 'lay') because we had heard Leigh Taylor-Young's first name pronounced that way in the 1970s. (There is a site stating that a Samuel Leigh changed the pronunciation of his last name from 'lee' to 'lay' (as in sleigh) to avoid any association with the notorious John D. Lee, who led the Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857. The descendants of Samuel Leigh still pronounce their name 'lay'.) Although Leigh is apparently pronounced 'lee' most often, does anyone know specifically how Leigh Taylor-Young pronounces her first name?
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Leigh is normally LEE.a
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