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[Facts] Origin of mother's maiden name
hey everybody... sorry to sound so self-serving, these are never as fun/nostalgiac as happy thoughts of imaginary friends or nicknames, but I was trying to find the country of origin for my mom's maiden name, which is DeGroot... I've looked all over the web, and can't find much. My first guess, German, seems wrong now, since none of those surnames have the "De" prefix. I've also heard French, which would be kind of neat, considering my dad's surname, Foy, is pretty certainly that. If it helps, my mom is from northern Montana, and her family has been there for at least a couple generations. I'm 19, so I guess that would make the Montana DeGroots I know of date back to around the very late 1800's... And so I can offer some help, rather than just ask for it, here's a neat website for any other Foys out there: Thanks a bunch!
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Hey Robert,DeGroot is a DUTCH name, literally meaning "the great" -- "great" in terms of SIZE: large, wide, tall, etc., that is.Hope that helps.- Da.
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Da.-that seems simple enough... don't know why i didn't think of it... it helps a lot though! thanks again!-Rob
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