[Facts] Name Meaning?
I'm a Kung Fu fan (the t.v. show), an' i'm curious if Kwai-Chang is a real name. I belive it is a male Chinese name. If it is I would love to know what it means.
Humble Thanks
I'm a Kung Fu fan (the t.v. show), an' i'm curious if Kwai-Chang is a real name. I belive it is a male Chinese name. If it is I would love to know what it means.
Humble Thanks
You really need to see how the name is written in Chinese characters, in order to assess the meaning of the name. Well, that, as well as be able to read Chinese. "Kwai-Chang" can mean any number of different things.
I have a book titled *Name Your Baby in Chinese* by Lin Shan. The book doesn't give a listing for "Kwai", but it does depict six different renderings of "Chang". I'll give them to you here:
1. (masculine) prosperous, flourishing
2. (masculine or feminine) long, strong point
3. (masculine or feminine) constant, frequently
4. (feminine) the goddess of the moon
5. (masculine) long day
6. (masculine or feminine) smooth, fluent, free
What you really need to do is find a Kung Fu fan club website on the 'net and ask them whether anyone has ever determined the meanings of the Chinese names of the characters in the show. Probably someone has, as fans generally tend to compile all sorts of little details like that on their favorite teevee series.
-- Nanaea
I have a book titled *Name Your Baby in Chinese* by Lin Shan. The book doesn't give a listing for "Kwai", but it does depict six different renderings of "Chang". I'll give them to you here:
1. (masculine) prosperous, flourishing
2. (masculine or feminine) long, strong point
3. (masculine or feminine) constant, frequently
4. (feminine) the goddess of the moon
5. (masculine) long day
6. (masculine or feminine) smooth, fluent, free
What you really need to do is find a Kung Fu fan club website on the 'net and ask them whether anyone has ever determined the meanings of the Chinese names of the characters in the show. Probably someone has, as fans generally tend to compile all sorts of little details like that on their favorite teevee series.
-- Nanaea
What does Kwai mean in Chinese for a first name and a last name? What is the Character for this exact spelling?