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[Facts] Max und Moritz live on....
Your son sounds like a kid after my own heart. :) What's the (now grown) little devil's name? Loki? Dagon? Azazel? :)Hey, how come you're not at work today? Have you taken the day off to start the moving process? Or do you just start your weekends early? :)-- Nanaea
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Ach, ja! I had almost forgotten Max und Moritz from my undergraduate German-minor days! Die Katzenjammer Knaben! :)
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The kid's name's Ian, middle name Patrick. Of course, it was only after his name was official that we noticed we'd given him the initials "I.P." (arrgh).Like me, he's not prone to using middle names or initials in any case. I have offered repeatedly to pay the cost of changing the middle name if he's so inclined, but he's not. Also, he's a good fighter (thanks to tough elementary/middle schools), so teasing was not really a problem. But if I'm sometimes overly critical of people's zany name choices, it's cuz I've screwed up myself once upon a time.Why'm I here? It's Friday, and our plant doesn't work on Fridays! (We do 4 x 10 hours Mon-Thu.) Usually I'm in transit back to here during the day, but drove in (6 hours) last night instead to pack today.
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"The kid's name's Ian, middle name Patrick. Of course, it was only after his name was official that we noticed we'd given him the initials "I.P." (arrgh)."@@@@ Oh dear... Please don't tell me your last name is "Daily"."Ian Patrick", eh? Heheh... "Ian Patrick"="Captain Irk" :)-- Nanaea
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Norma Bates! Norma Bates! Actually, "Captain Irk" would fit the ungrateful and peevish little devil. He's apparently lovable to his friends and clientele (he's a bartender who pretends to go to college, every other semester), but is thin-skinned and short-fused with his adoring parents. Go figure.
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Behold the Mighty Power of the Anagram!Those Kabalarians have got NUTHIN' on us! :)What are the first and middle names of your other kids? I've got to head out to work this morning, but when Beavos comes on duty, I'm sure he'll be able to make something out of 'em.-- Butthell
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Hey Butthell,Just one more: Laura Ruth
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Nanaea has consulted the Mystic Anagram, to find the future which awaits LAURA RUTH. That which was predestined for her upon her Naming Day. Aaaaaahhhhhh... I see it now. It's getting clearer... clearer... cleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaar....LAURA RUTH shall one day meet and marry a wealthy cattle rancher and land baron. And he shall take her to his grand estate out West. And there, LAURA RUTH shall become the Society Queen of.....
Are you still waiting for it?
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It was indeed worth waiting for!And on days like today (she's on my schittliszt for half a dozen reasons), the farther the better. Can you work "Ulan Bator" out of that combination of letters?
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Hee-heeeeeee! I'm on a roll! What's your Honey's first and middle names? :)And when does this big move of yours take place? This weekend? Yikes! This isn't your last night on-line for awhile, is it? :(-- Nanaea
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Since yer on a roll: it's Jennifer Ruth.The Packers from Hell (friends of yours?) arrive tomorrow (Sunday) at 8:30 and load this mess out on Monday for delivery Thursday. I leave with the drugged kitties and various combustibles tomorrow PM.I'm packin' the puter meself in the morning, so this is indeed "dead air" after tonight until probably next weekend. (Mama will countenance no on-line time while we're still stumbling over boxes.) :-( (long face)I'm hoping for a better ISP at the other end. This one loads like a snail and blows you off line in a heartbeat.
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Oooo, no wonder you've got a houseful of cats. ;) I shall now tell you what the Mystic Anagram has revealed regarding JENNIFER RUTH, and my psy-chick interpretation thereof:JENNIFER RUTH=JETHER FUR INN1) "Jether" is significant in that it's a Biblical name which means "abundance".2) "Fur" means that Jennifer Ruth was predestined from her Naming Day to have a fondness for furball-type creatures, i.e. kitties.3) "Inn" means there IS room at the inn (your house) for an abundance of these furball-type creatures.May I suggest that, when you move into your new ol' Kentucky home, you hang a sign outside saying: "Welcome to the Jether-Fur Inn". And, if you get yourselves another cat, you could always name him "Jether-Fur", which is a name with an Old-Possum's-Book-of-Practical-Cats kinda ring to it. (Although, "Lucy-Fur" sounds Satanic and is my personal favorite name for a cat.)-- Nanaea
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VonTigger und Frau Kanga
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Yes, But I find I respond most easily to YOUR postings when they assign me to Pooh.
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