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[Facts] This may sound wierd...But I need a name for my computer
Yes, I know, only very few people name their computers human names, but I'm one of them (or just starting) and I need help! First off, I'd like a short 1 or 2 syllable name, probably ending in "ie" or "y" (The 'eee' sound). The computer has been very good to me, it starts downloading faster when i pat it. I think it deserves a name. It is a tangerine iMac 400/g3. Possibly a name that means "cooperation" (No name searches on any sites turn up anything with that keyword.)By the way, the printer's name is howard.Thanks a bunch, Nick
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hows chinese...i have a chinese dictionary... thing...
i dont even know what dialect, but it has been very reliable in the past.
I looked up computer, it came up with - Diannao
Cooperation - Hezuo
and the most unorthodox and bizzarre way to come up with names.
I sounded out howard, and got the chinese letters that would likely be used to spell it.
Then found out what those letters mean.
You can get a name that is from one of these letters (I have to much time on my hands.)
The words I got and names for each, and names for each.
Goods/Produce - Qasim
Matter/Substance - no names :(
Love - Carwyn, Erasmus, Eros, Lubomir, Philo (isnt thata type of dough?), Prem
Big + Man/ Congress of the People - Tai, Alexander, there is lots for 'man'I think howard and Diannao sound like a wonderful pair :) Or Why not 2 'H's Howard and Hezuo.
Zuo is often an old term for a dragon. Dragon's flame can be orange, like your computer?
(is this logical whatsoever...)
Have fun upon your naming endevours!
And a Domo Arragato ^_^
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Nick, you've got to get out more. :)LOL!
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Hey! I love my computer!
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LOL! OK, I have a name....How about Sierra Leone? :)Andrea
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-falls off chair laughing- I don't know, i was always partial to Guinea-Bissau :):P
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Hey you two! Those are great suggestions! Uganda give us any more?
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I congo much further than that! Kenya think of anything else?
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Nah... Not Ghana.
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OK. Chad with you later, tutsi :)
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No, please keep on Gabon. This Gambia a great coversation!i bet i pronounced those wrong and it made no sence...
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Oman, this is outta control. I've gotta pull up a chair and Sudan.
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Nan, shake Djibouti! Silver, you just won Africa! Andrea, you be Dahomey!
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Yemen! Africa! I Congo Now, but id liek Togo later. Syria-usly Iran home just now. Kuwait till later?:P
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LOL! You guys are making me Somalia! :D:)
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What are you doing up, Sleepy?Got the 'Grammin' shakes?Andrea
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I ain't Sleepy! If I was a dwarf, I'd be Pesky! :)
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LOL! Yeah, s/he can Angelcize that as "Jacqueline Bissett".:)
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By the way...Male names are better.I would prefer male names. I've been looking all over but I can't find ANYTHING!:(
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How about...SlickMasterJack, TaLiBan800, and AfterBurn800? :)-- Nanaea
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Woah, you scare me Nanaea. That is very freaky. Very Very Freaky. Me and my friend were making up names that night. Just so you know, my main SN is Taxman800. BTW, how the hell do you do that?
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