[Facts] Cold Names
I'm looking for a girl's name that means cold/ice/snow/blue/frigid/frozen/winter or something like that. Or any name that kinds sound cold, or makes you feel cold. Or an anagram of something like those. It's for a story I'm writing. She has blue tinted skin. And dark blue hair with lighter blue streaks. Tall; has darkish eyes... Thanx a bunch!
You could be allusive with Isis (Ice). Not to mention Snowdrop. I've also heard of Snow itself being used as a name.
Or in Welsh there's the name Glesni (gless-nee), derived from glas 'blue, green, grey'.
Douglas is a Scottish name containing the gaelic equivalent of glas; it means 'blue, green, grey black'. It has been occasionally used as a girl's name in Scotland.
Or in Welsh there's the name Glesni (gless-nee), derived from glas 'blue, green, grey'.
Douglas is a Scottish name containing the gaelic equivalent of glas; it means 'blue, green, grey black'. It has been occasionally used as a girl's name in Scotland.
Iceland, Icelyn, Sylvie, Sylvia, Silver, Winter, Vesper
-cries- Silver isn't a cold name! and the Slyvia's/Slyvie's I know are all older ladies with tan skin, and once black hair
French, Chinese, and on this site...
French, Chinese, and on this site...
On this site:
WINTER (f) "winter", from the English word for the season.
EIRA (f) "snow" (Welsh)
HAUKEA (f) "white snow" from Hawaiian hau "snow" and kea "white". (you could separate these)
NEUS (f) "snow" (Catalan)
NEVA (f) Perhaps related to Italian neve "snow".
YUKI (m) "snow" (Japanese)
YUKIKO (f) "snow child" (Japanese)
AZURE (f) From the English word that means "sky blue".
DOUGLAS (m) "dark blue river" or "blood river" from Gaelic dubn "dark blue" and glas "water, river". (you could just use the Dubn, or change that somehow)
CYAN (f) From the English word meaning "greenish blue", ultimately derived from Greek kyanos. (you could use Kyanos too)
SUNIL (m) "very blue" from Sanskrit su "very" combined with nila "dark blue". (again this can be seperated)
SINI (f) "blue" (Finnish). More specifically, sini is a poetic term for the colour blue.
LIVIUS (m) Roman family name which may be related to either Latin liveo "to envy" or lividus "blue, envious". Titus Livius, also known as Livy, was a Roman historian who wrote a history of the city of Rome. (you could just use Lividus, but I wouldn't recommend it, I believe it is being used as how we use green for envy)
KHAJAG (m) "blue-eyed" (Armenian)
You could create a name, which I just love doing myself by combining pieces of these names together to get a more desired meaning, for example…
Yukinila - "dark blue snow"
Eirkyanos, or Eirakyan - "bluish snow"
Haudubyn - "blue snow"
Eirkea - "white snow"
I'm sure you get the idea…
Here are the french words for what you were looking for
Friod(e) - cold (the 'e' suffix is for when it is supposed to be feminine, the name is pronounced more like 'fwah'
Frais - cool (Freh)
Glacé(e) - ice (glah-ceh)
Neige - snow (neighg)
Bleu - blue (bluh)
Gel - frost (juhel)
Gelure - frostbite (juhel-ewr)
Dépoli - frosted, as in glace (deh-pawl-ee)
Glacé(e) - frosted (glah-ceh)
French, Chinese, and on this site...
On this site:
WINTER (f) "winter", from the English word for the season.
EIRA (f) "snow" (Welsh)
HAUKEA (f) "white snow" from Hawaiian hau "snow" and kea "white". (you could separate these)
NEUS (f) "snow" (Catalan)
NEVA (f) Perhaps related to Italian neve "snow".
YUKI (m) "snow" (Japanese)
YUKIKO (f) "snow child" (Japanese)
AZURE (f) From the English word that means "sky blue".
DOUGLAS (m) "dark blue river" or "blood river" from Gaelic dubn "dark blue" and glas "water, river". (you could just use the Dubn, or change that somehow)
CYAN (f) From the English word meaning "greenish blue", ultimately derived from Greek kyanos. (you could use Kyanos too)
SUNIL (m) "very blue" from Sanskrit su "very" combined with nila "dark blue". (again this can be seperated)
SINI (f) "blue" (Finnish). More specifically, sini is a poetic term for the colour blue.
LIVIUS (m) Roman family name which may be related to either Latin liveo "to envy" or lividus "blue, envious". Titus Livius, also known as Livy, was a Roman historian who wrote a history of the city of Rome. (you could just use Lividus, but I wouldn't recommend it, I believe it is being used as how we use green for envy)
KHAJAG (m) "blue-eyed" (Armenian)
You could create a name, which I just love doing myself by combining pieces of these names together to get a more desired meaning, for example…
Yukinila - "dark blue snow"
Eirkyanos, or Eirakyan - "bluish snow"
Haudubyn - "blue snow"
Eirkea - "white snow"
I'm sure you get the idea…
Here are the french words for what you were looking for
Friod(e) - cold (the 'e' suffix is for when it is supposed to be feminine, the name is pronounced more like 'fwah'
Frais - cool (Freh)
Glacé(e) - ice (glah-ceh)
Neige - snow (neighg)
Bleu - blue (bluh)
Gel - frost (juhel)
Gelure - frostbite (juhel-ewr)
Dépoli - frosted, as in glace (deh-pawl-ee)
Glacé(e) - frosted (glah-ceh)
Nieve is the name of a friend of mine's child who was born in New Brunswick in a snowstorm. Nieve means "snow" in Spanish. I always thought it was a beautiful name.