[Facts] names and the changing of them
Hi. My birthname is Kara Aurael Williams- Kara is Aramaic (the language of the area and time of Christ's birth) and means "pure"; Aurael is Hebrew and ? some other language- it is two words pushed together- Aura:"Spirit light" and El which is Hebrew shorthand for El Shaddai- or God. Williams is from the Welsh Gwyllyms, and means "blank sheet of paper"- it was a Bard's surname.
Now for the important part. I am trying to chnge my name ( I feel my mother was cruel and had a sick sense of humor, since no-one human could possibly live up to that moniker), and want to keep the meaning of Williams, but not the name itself- anyone have any ideas?
Now for the important part. I am trying to chnge my name ( I feel my mother was cruel and had a sick sense of humor, since no-one human could possibly live up to that moniker), and want to keep the meaning of Williams, but not the name itself- anyone have any ideas?
Considering that the vast majority of mothers generally choose names which are pleasing to the ear and convey optimistic expectations for their children, I'd hardly describe your mother as being "cruel" and having a "sick sense of humor" for having named you "Kara Aurael". But then, you know your mom better than I do.
Here are a few, perhaps kinder-sounding names for you anagrammed from "Kara Aurael Williams":
Maria Luisa Wallaker
Marla Laurel Iwasaki (won't work unless you're Japanese)
Lauri Amalia Walkers
Willa Amalia Krauser
Laura Amalia Wilkers
-- Nanaea
Here are a few, perhaps kinder-sounding names for you anagrammed from "Kara Aurael Williams":
Maria Luisa Wallaker
Marla Laurel Iwasaki (won't work unless you're Japanese)
Lauri Amalia Walkers
Willa Amalia Krauser
Laura Amalia Wilkers
-- Nanaea