Hmmm, let's see
My most liked girl names:
Liliya (my mom's name, means "lily" in Bulgarian) - if I have a girl I'll definitely name her Liliya :)
MajaElenaKaterinaRalitsa (Slavic: a kind of purple flower that grows in the fields)
Julianna (with the French pronunciation)
Bilyana (a medicine-woman, one who heals, from the Slavic "bile" = herb)
AdrianaIrinaShealyn (one of my co-workers - I think the name is beautiful, and it has a short form -
Shea (SHEY)
Boy names:
StefanDanielAndreiVladimirMikhail and
MiguelKrassimir (Slavic, who adorns the world)
Pavel (I like
Pavlos, too :)