[Facts] Dear Nanaea, nice to meet you too :-)
I have no clue how to pronounce your name :-)Thank you for your answer.Of course, I'm aware that many names derive from roots of other words. I just found it very peciluar that no Hebrew resource or person I asked knew about THIS connection. I even remembered (vaguely) that my elementry school teacher in "Bible lessons" told us that the origin of DAVID is unknown. That's why I was surprised to read it here and started questioning.However, you seem to speak from knowledge, so I tend to take your word and stand corrected.
Next week I will also call "The academy of the Hebrew Language" (they have a phone service for the public) and ask them - to be absolutely positive.BTW - the meaning of "to boil" is also not lost in modern Hebrew. The word (pronounced as DUD) is used today for the thing on the roof that makes the water hot in the shower ("Boiler"?)...DOD - in modern Hebrew is used only as "uncle".Thanks again!PS - please forgive my English spelling mistakes.Shay ("gift")
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David does not mean "friend" or "beloved"  ·  Shay  ·  2/21/2002, 7:44 AM
Re: David does not mean "friend" or "beloved"  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/21/2002, 10:30 AM
Re: David does not mean "friend" or "beloved"  ·  Tema Claudine Tita Anderson  ·  5/9/2021, 3:25 PM
Dear Nanaea, nice to meet you too :-)  ·  Shay  ·  2/21/2002, 11:38 AM
Re: Dear Nanaea, nice to meet you too :-)  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/21/2002, 12:16 AM
P.S.  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/21/2002, 12:33 AM
Re: Dear Nanaea, nice to meet you too :-)  ·  shay  ·  2/21/2002, 12:31 AM
A belated welcome from another Jew (among other things)  ·  Phyllis  ·  2/24/2002, 5:10 AM
Hello to Phyllis too!  ·  Shay  ·  2/24/2002, 11:28 AM
Re: Hello to Phyllis too!  ·  Pavlos  ·  2/25/2002, 8:02 AM
Re: Hello to Phyllis too!  ·  Jack  ·  7/26/2004, 5:15 AM
Interesting!  ·  Shay  ·  2/26/2002, 6:52 AM
Re: Interesting!  ·  Pavlos  ·  2/27/2002, 2:26 AM
Re: Interesting!  ·  Pavlos  ·  2/27/2002, 2:26 AM
Thanks for the info, Shay!  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/25/2002, 6:28 AM
and speaking of Esther -  ·  Shay  ·  2/26/2002, 6:56 AM
Re: David does not mean "friend" or "beloved"  ·  Sarahjeanne  ·  2/21/2002, 11:29 AM