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[Games] Create Your Family- Part 2
This will be a long one! First of all, you or your spouse has delivered twins / triplets / quads / quints etc. You can choose the sexes. Your first child is in preschool. Tell about his / her friends, progress, or even timeouts. On top of all this, you have decided that with the multiple births, you can no longer live in your current home. You have bought a new apartment / house! Dear friends and family,
Chris, Bella, and I are proud to announce the birth of Matthew Gabriel, Benjamin James, and Cecily Bianca. The triplets were born on November 14. Matt weighed seven pounds even, Ben was the runt at five pounds, fourteen ounces, and Cecily weighed six pounds, twelve ounces. With the three new additions, we have found it neccessary to move into a larger house! It's a lovely Colonial near the center of town. Each of the kids can have their own room, although the triplets will be in bassinets in our room for a while.

Bella is now in preschool, and has been exploring art in a number of different ways. Body paint, sticking pipe cleaners in her hair, gluing paper to her clothes, are just part of an assortment of her art projects. She has become a bit of a handful, but keeps us laughing.Love,
Hannah, Chris
Matt, Jamie, and Cecily
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Dear everyone :)The twins arrived September 23rd. They are Margaret Elise, who I named, and Katelyn Abigail, who Brian named. Both have a little bit of brown hair but Maggie has brown eyes and Kate has blue eyes. Brian is relieved because he was so worried that he wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Maggie weighed 6lbs. 8oz and Kate weighed 6lbs. 10oz. With three kids it was a little too crowded in our little 2 bedroom condo, so in November we started househunting. We recently found a old 4 bedroom home right near the middle of town in one of my favorite neighborhoods. The home was build in the 1920s but has been really well taken care of, although there is a little work to be done. We move in in three weeks. Josh is really excited about the new house and keeps asking when he gets to get a dog. He isn't quite as excited about his sisters and says they are too loud. he started preschool in September right before the twins were born so he has been experiencing lots of new things. That may explain why he has gotten so much more fussy. He will only very specific things and is such a picky eater now. Well that is all for now,
Kelly, Brian, Josh, Maggie, Kate
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Dear Friends and Family, We are overjoyed to announce the births of our newest additions to our wonderful family: Alysha Allison and Kristin Pearl Smith! Both born on June 7th, Alysha weighed 7 pounds and was 16 inches long, and Kristin weighed 7 1/2 pounds and was 16 inches long as well. They both have bright, blonde curly hair like their father. Alysha has light blue eyes like her father, but Kristin, however, was born with her left eye being blue, and her right eye is hazel. They both are beautiful girls, and Michael just can't seem to separate from them! With these two new additions, our house has become just too small to fit everyone in! We decided to move to a nice Colonial near the center of town. Every child has their own room, but for now, the twins will be sharing a room until they get older. Their room is right across the hall from ours, so it makes looking after them that much easier! Donovan isn't too far away from us, in fact, his room is only one over from the twin's. He always likes to go over into their room to visit them! Donovan has just entered his new preschool, and has already met so many friends! His teacher always tells me that he is very bright, and that he enjoys drawing! Fingerpaint marks on his face are always a common sight when he comes home, too. His teacher has also said that he likes to brag about his new sisters at show-and-tell time!Love Always,
Heather, Michael,
Donovan, Alysha, and Kristin

This message was edited 2/1/2005, 9:58 AM

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Dear friends and family,
We are happy to announce the birth of our new TWINS--daughter Maeve Elspeth and son Quinn August--who were born May 23rd. Quinn came first (the big brother!) weighing 6 lbs, 3 oz. Maeve came next, a little smaller, at 5 lbs., 15 oz. They were a few weeks early, but pretty good sized for it and being twins!We've also been making the transition into our new house! It's not too far from the old one, but this one is two-story with 4 bedrooms instead of the cramped 2 bedroom one we were in. We can't wait until we can have everyone over to see it (maybe once the twins are a little older that is, lol...we'll be sleep-deprived for a while). Our "big girl" Isla started preschool a few weeks back and she's loving it. She comes home excited every day to tell Mommy & Daddy about what she did in "school" that day. And she's loving being a big sister, and has been a great helper. Of course, there is some jealousy, but she's doing very well and we are so proud of her. Thank you for sharing in our lives and our new additions!Love,
Heather, Ian, Isla, Quinn, & Maeve
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This will be a long one! First of all, you or your spouse has delivered twins / triplets / quads / quints etc. You can choose the sexes. Your first child is in preschool. Tell about his / her friends, progress, or even timeouts. On top of all this, you have decided that with the multiple births, you can no longer live in your current home. You have bought a new apartment / house! Dear friends and family,
We are proud to announce the birth of our baby boys, Ferris Gabriel Birkin and Malcolm Henry Birkin. With the birth of our little five-pound wonders, our family decided to expand. We have bought a larger, warmer house to raise our growing family in. So far we are settling in very nicely. Violet is doing very well in her second year of preschool. She loves to learn and be hands-on. Her favorite thing is fingerpainting. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Emily, Kieran,
Violet, Ferris, and Malcolm Birkin.
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Dear friends and family,We our pleased to welcome Simon Robert and Isabel Beatrice Maria into our family. They were born December 2nd, Simon weighing in at 6 lbs and 8 ounces and Isabel at 6 lbs and 5 ounces. They join their delighted big brother Thomas. Thomas is doing fantastic. He just started preschool and much to our surprise, he loves it. He's already making little friends. He's such a charmer! He's still having problems with his numbers some but is doing excellent in every other subject. His teacher said he is an excellent drawer for his age, so who knows, we may have a little artist on our hands!Unfortunately with the news of our twins, we realized that we could no longer stay at our current home and it was time to get a little more space. Which is why shortly before their arrival, we moved to a larger two story house with 6 bedrooms. We're still unpacking but if you would like to pay our little family a vist, I will leave the number at the bottom of the e-mail.Love,
Jamie and Stephen plus,
Thomas, Simon and Isabel
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Greetings Everyone,
The kids are all finally here, safe and sound. Alexander Ramsay Thomas, Rebecca Elspeth Anne, Adam Declan Ross & Christopher Lindsay Reed were born on February 21st. Alex weighed in at the whopping 5lbs 4 ounces, Becca was 5lbs even, and the apparently Identical twins Adam and Chris were the smallest at 4lbs 5 and 4lbs 7 ounces respectively. All are doing well and gaining weight rapidly. Nathaniel has found all the new additions disconcerning but is managing quite well. He's in preschool this year and has loved every minute. The teachers are all in love with the little charmer, and does he ever use it to his advantage. He's found a new best friend in Garret (another boy in his preschool class) and all they can seem to talk about is each other and what they did that day. Oddly enough, in our move next month we'll be moving down the road from Garret and his family. Moving eh? Shocker right. Not really. With the quads and Nathan the house is simply too small. We're just moving out to a farm in town limits. The house is a beautiful old Victorian, and it's got 6 bedrooms plus a carriage house to be converted to a guest house when the time is right. The barn for the horses is perfect and it's moving closer to the Vet practice so I'm able to be closer to what I need to get back and forth to. Hope you're all doing well,
Love Always
Charlotte, Will, Nathan, Alex, Becca, Adam, Chris and all the creatures.
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Dear friends and family,Sean and Nikki are pround to announce the birth of Ethan Sean and Berke William. They were born August 28th. Ethan was 4 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long. Berke was 4 lbs. 5 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long.Now that we have two new babies we have to move out of the 2 bedroom apartment were in and into the 4 bedroom house weve been wanting for a long time. Its located in the little town of Matthews right outside of Charlotte. Now Aiden can have a bigger room and theres an extra room for guests.Aiden started preschool at the beggining of the year. He really likes going there every other day and is beggining to make friends. We have already had play dates with a boy in his class named Ben. They seem to really like each other. It looks like hes a fast learner. He can already write his name!Love,
Nikki, Sean,
Ethan and Berke
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James and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our triplets, Katherine Louisa, Julia Elizabeth and William Henry. Kate, Julia and William were all around 4 lbs with blue eyes and balled little heads. Susannah is in pre-school now and loves it. Annie comes home everyday with stories about her new friends and her teachers. She seems to be blossoming at school and we couldn't be happier about it. Now that our family has grown so much, James and I decided we needed to move into a bigger place. We bought an old plantation up in the Ace Basin and have been restoring the house bit by bit. It's almost done now, the walls have to be papered and the floors finished, but other than that. I am so excited about this house. It's two stories not including the attic which we've turned into a little den. It's painted white and there are wrap-around porches and black shutters. James restored a lot of it himself with a bit of my help. Most of my pregnancy I spent in the garden off to the side of the house digging and planting. It's now thriving and surrounded by a white picket fence. The house is on the creek so we've got a dock and wonderful view of the marsh and the river. Everything about the house is exactly to my taste, and I'm so excited about taking the triplets to their own rooms! They're sharing one for now, and Annie has her own. That's all the news for now!
James, Caroline, Susannah, Katherine, Julia and William.
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Family ours,We're happy to announce that we've now got a great commotion in the house. With this letter comes the news of four new babies--far too many all at once, as far as Christo is concerned. We're calling them Agnes Maria, Laurence Octavian, Joachim Raymond, and Edith Louisa. They are, of course, named for various saints and family members. They'll probably end up as Aggie, Laurie, Chim, and Edie, though Mena has taken to calling Laurence "Locty". Hopefully, that won't stick.This also means that our move was just in time. As you know, we've grown sick of our buggy little flat, and we were planning to move into a proper house. It's got three bedrooms, so the little ones will have to share a while. In any case, it's a step up, and Mena adores it.She's not quite so fond of preschool. I hate to put her there, but she's simply too much what with the babies at home, too. I need a few moments of sanity. Mena's been very quiet at school and stuck to the corners. If she doesn't adjust, I'll be putting her in a home-run daycare, or better yet, I'll keep her at home. I'd love to have her around--I just don't think I'd be able to keep very good track of her.Hope you're all doing well! Send me pictures of what's up. :)Much love,
Christopher and Ivy, Philomena, Agnes, Laurence, Joachim, and Edith
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Dear friends and family,
We are proud to announce the birth of twins! Finley Samuel and Ivy Azura were born on October 19th. Finley weighed four pounds, six ounces, and Ivy weighed four pounds, ten ounces.With a family of five now, we have moved into a bigger house. Our new house will have a bedroom for each of the children once the twins get older.Lilia has just started preschool, and is thrilled with the new additions to the family! She is absolutely adorable, with dark curls and big green eyes. She has made several new friends in her preschool class and has started soccer. Lilia loves to draw and sing, and certainly keeps us busy!Love,
Merry, Josh
Finley and Ivy
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Dear friends and family.We are pleased to announce the birth of our twins, Stella Juliet & Moira Willow. The girls were born October 16th. Stella weighed 5 pounds, 5 ounces and was 18 inches. Moira weighed 4 pounds 15 ounces and was 17 1/2 inches. They join big brother Gabriel Owen who is now 4 years old. Since the birth of Stella and Moira, we have recently moved to a 5 bedroom farmhouse located near the lake. The house is absolutely beautiful and is equipped with horse stables. Gabe is now in preschool and is loving every minute of it. At first he was a little hesitant but he has adapted well. He has recently discoved t-ball and plays outside everday with his daddy. Love,
Lisa, Ethan, Gabe, Stella and Moira Hathaway.

This message was edited 1/30/2005, 1:47 PM

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Wow! This has been a hectic month for our not so little family. Leni is doing great with her first year of preschool and we are pleased to announce that we now have three more little ones. Owen Jude, Atticus James, and Emma Vivienne Rose were born last week after my water broke before breakfast! They are all very healthy and doing well even though they were all under 5lbs. each. We have decided to move into a larger house that is a bit farther from the city. We hope to talk to you soon with more good news (hopefully).
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Hello yet again loved ones,Ty, Sara and myself are very excited to announce the arrival of our quads Nathaniel Tyler, Lucas Jonathan, Ella Marie, and Reese Madeleine. Nathan weighed 5lbs 2oz, Luke was 4lbs 11oz, Ellie was 5lbs, and Reese weighed 4lbs, 8oz. Ellie and Luke were relatively healthy, but Nathan and Reese were not so fortunate. They are still in the NICU because they still are not breathing on their own. Reese is doing a lot better, but poor little Nathan is still struggling.Since we more than doubled the size of our family in just one hour, we definatley had to sell our condo and bought our new house. It is a 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom two story colonial. Sara gets her own room, the boys will share, and the girls will share, and we have an extra room for who knows what. Sara just recently joined the pre-school at our local high school. I worked with the pre-schoolers in high school, so I wanted to place my daughter in that program too. I loved it, and I know that the high schoolers now do too. In a couple days it is parent night, and I am thoroughly excited. My baby is growing up!!Love,
Ty, Jamieson, Sara, Nathan, Luke, Ella, and Reese
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Dear All,Well, I've had the twins. Aren't you glad you knew about them this time? They arrived on the 9th May, Archie William at 4:27pm, weighing 5lbs 2oz, and Blythe Jospehine at 4:53pm, weighing 4lbs, 11oz.So, anyway, with so many children and such a little house, we're selling the house. We've found a lovely little place up town, four bedrooms, en suite, that type of thing. With Dominic being promoted to a Sergent, we can afford this type of luxery now!Oh, Morgan's started nursery, by the way. He's already made a special friend, called Francis - he even had him round for his birthday. The nursery teacher tells us he especially likes listening to stories and making up his own.Anyway, see you soonTulip, Dominic, Morgan, Archie and Blythe.
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wtf is wrongwith you people?
get a life
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