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[Facts] OK, I have an unusual one...
Does anyone know where the name Zinzan comes from, or what it means? I've looked it up pretty much everywhere, and haven't a clue! All I know is that a New Zealand rugby player was called it, and I love it!
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if ur still lookn for the origins of Zinzan. his family [i believe] r "tarada" [ cant spell]. more than likely his family migrated to new zealand to work in forestry as alot of other "tarada" did. they r originally from yogoslavia [ .i.e. croation/serbian etc. ]and married in with the locals. maybe thats a lead?
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Not that I'll be able to help if the answer is "yes", but did he by any chance have a Maori background?
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I'm not sure. Could have. His surname is Brooke, and his brother is Robin, so they don't sound Maori... but it's a possibility!
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I don't think he's Maori, although I'd considered that possibility, too...I've been doing some searching and, so far, it appears that "Zinzan" is a surname found in a few English families. Still looking into it.-- Nanaea
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A name for Kiwi neobastards ?Zinzan = Nazi NZ
'says the infallible AO
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