[Facts] "Gabba" and "Gorl" - Anglo - Saxon Meaning??
Any Help most welcome. Bagpus & co.
Thanks Andy!! - read on...
Gorl maybe mean girl/ young person but i can't prove it
All of these recent names i'm searching for were 9th Century invaders of England, whether Viking or Anglo Saxon/ Jute. I'm looking at the origins of local places of that period and the names behind each settlement... regards Bagpus (Paul)...
Gorl maybe mean girl/ young person but i can't prove it
All of these recent names i'm searching for were 9th Century invaders of England, whether Viking or Anglo Saxon/ Jute. I'm looking at the origins of local places of that period and the names behind each settlement... regards Bagpus (Paul)...
Couldn't find GABBA, but the Germanic stem GABA (gift). This appears in names like GABSO or GABAHARI. A short form, even with a double B is possible, but there seems to be no proof for this as far as Germany is concerned.