[Facts] Re: "Ger" (Celtic) and "Lundr" (Old Scananavian) read on..
by Andy ;—) (guest)
3/1/2005, 10:57 PM
GER: As Jessica states, this is probably not a name, but a name element (like in GERHARD). Of course the second part could be dropped (like in GERO).
GER (spear) is a word in Old High German and corresponds with Old Norse "geirr". The oldest form seems to be Germanic "gaiza", probably a loan word from the Gauls. The Celtic equivalent is "gaisa" (spear with iron head).*
So I cannot confirm that GER in this sense is Celtic, maybe it means something completely different.
LUND, I found, is the Swedish word for "grove", and the R in the end appears to be an old Norse ending. Probably Satu knows more.
* This is taken from: H.Kaufmann, Altdeutsche Personennamen (Ergänzungsband zu E.Förstemann) p. 132