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[Facts] name meanig
he me name is RALUCA from ROMANIA
Can you find the meanig of my name,please.
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hi i m confused when some one asks me the meaning of my name,so i would be very thankful to u if u please send me the meanig of my name .ashif
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Hi there
Would love to know the meaning of my name.
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I'd like to write a story and find complete names for my characters. The first one has to mean "blind". The second, "the one who enlights the way", the third, a woman "the one who encourages". Besides, I need a name for a company which causes a desaster in the city. And finally, names for two cities meaning "sin" and the other "the begining". Could yoy help on this? Thanks.
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please tell me what my name means
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please tell me what my name means
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please tell me what my name means
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please tell me what my name means
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name meanig
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what is the meaning?
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can u tell me the neaning of my name and the negatives and positives about it
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My name is Lauren. I have alwaysed wondered what my first name meant. My freind and a lot of my family knows what their names maen. I think it is kind of important to know what your name means. So if any of you can find out what Lauren means. I want to compair what the other books, websites, ect.... have to say.
Lauren Jarrell
Thank you so very much.
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what is the meaing of my name
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what is the true meaning to my name?
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I would like to find out the meaning of my name because I want to see if the name would actually be my personality
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what is the meaning of my name the past present and future.
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what is the meaning of my name the past present and future.
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i would be very grateful to you if u could send me the meaning of my first name(see above).i've visited lots of site but i was unable to find it ,until i came to this site..
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i want to know the meaning of my name
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I'm doing my family tree and I would like to know the meaning of Scott as a surname.
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i would like to know the meaning of my name if there exist a meaning
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what are the meanings of my first and last name and where do they come from.
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my namehi
what does the names zoe zak ralph wally boof mean?
plz reply
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what is the maening of my first name and last name and where did they come from?
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Can you tell me what my name means?
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what does my name mean?
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what does my name mae?
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heyall i think about is sex and i love big dicks
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What does my name mean?
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hi my name is Guillermo and i would like to know if somebody can tell me the meaning of my name. thank you
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Pleses could you tell me the meaning of these two names.
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Find what my name means
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The meaning of the romanian name Raluca is: raza de soare.
Ra = regele soare si luca = raza.
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i want that u tell me about my present, past and future
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i want that u tell me about my present, past and future
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i want that u tell me about my present, past and future
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