[Facts] I'd like oppinions on these unusual names.
Here are some unusual names that I've come across lately. I was
wondering what people think of them.
Berenja pr (beh-ren-yah)
Dalon (ooh!)
Jolina pr (yoh-lee-nah)
Kareta (fem of Karet)
Katari (i love this one!)
Ruliana (juliana?)
Xhaya (zhay-yah)
Baian pr (bay-yahn)
Vodar (i like this one)
wondering what people think of them.
Berenja pr (beh-ren-yah)
Dalon (ooh!)
Jolina pr (yoh-lee-nah)
Kareta (fem of Karet)
Katari (i love this one!)
Ruliana (juliana?)
Xhaya (zhay-yah)
Baian pr (bay-yahn)
Vodar (i like this one)
kotar is a last name not a first name.
Gorski-Kotar is a mountain resort in Croatia
Gorski-Kotar is a mountain resort in Croatia
Adrin: Don't care for it.
Aryn: Looks like it could be a form of Erin, perhaps?
Bedana: Looks like bandana.
Berenja pr (beh-ren-yah): Don't care for it.
Dalon: Not my style.
Jolina pr (yoh-lee-nah): I don't like how it's pronounced. I would say it as Joe-lean-ah.
Kareta (fem of Karet): Don't care for it.
Katari: Don't care for it.
Lassen: Looks like Lassie.
Pelana: Don't care for it.
Ruliana: Don't care for it.
Tana: Don't care for it.
Vedelia: Interesting.
Xhaya (zhay-yah): Don't care for it.
Zanira: Don't care for it.
Arin: Male from of Erin? Or another form of Aaron?
Baian pr (bay-yahn): Don't care for it.
Davon: Looks like a female form of Devon.
Karet: Is this pronounced like "Carrot?"
Kotar: Don't care for it.
Lorys/Loreis: Don't care for either.
Narid: Don't care for it.
Rodir: Don't care for it.
Rosban: Don't care for it.
Saren: Don't care for it.
Sator: Don't like it.
Talin: Don't like it.
Vodar: Don't care for it.
Zharil: Don't care for it.
As you can tell, these names are no where near my style!
Adrin: Don't care for it.
Aryn: Looks like it could be a form of Erin, perhaps?
Bedana: Looks like bandana.
Berenja pr (beh-ren-yah): Don't care for it.
Dalon: Not my style.
Jolina pr (yoh-lee-nah): I don't like how it's pronounced. I would say it as Joe-lean-ah.
Kareta (fem of Karet): Don't care for it.
Katari: Don't care for it.
Lassen: Looks like Lassie.
Pelana: Don't care for it.
Ruliana: Don't care for it.
Tana: Don't care for it.
Vedelia: Interesting.
Xhaya (zhay-yah): Don't care for it.
Zanira: Don't care for it.
Arin: Male from of Erin? Or another form of Aaron?
Baian pr (bay-yahn): Don't care for it.
Davon: Looks like a female form of Devon.
Karet: Is this pronounced like "Carrot?"
Kotar: Don't care for it.
Lorys/Loreis: Don't care for either.
Narid: Don't care for it.
Rodir: Don't care for it.
Rosban: Don't care for it.
Saren: Don't care for it.
Sator: Don't like it.
Talin: Don't like it.
Vodar: Don't care for it.
Zharil: Don't care for it.
As you can tell, these names are no where near my style!
Yall What About The Name
Hi Lena,
some of these names sound very interesting! I've never heard most of them, and here is what I think of them (just wild and crazy thoughts!!). That was fun!
Adrin (? may be a form of Latin Adrienne?)
Aryn (1. Hebrew / English: illuminated or from the mountains. 2. form of Celtic Erin)
Bedana (? may be a form of Old English Beda?)
Berenja pr (beh-ren-yah) (? may be a form of Berendje which is a Frisian form of German Bernhardine)
Dalon (ooh!) (? may be a form of Delona which comes from German Adela)
Jolina pr (yoh-lee-nah) (a form of Hebrew Josefin or Johanna)
Kareta (fem of Karet) (? may be a form of Karita which comes from Latin Caritas)
Katari (i love this one!) (form of Greek Katarina / Catherine)
Lassen (? may be a form of Scottish Lassie [Lassen is even a Danish and Low German surname meaning: son of Lars/Lasse])
Pelana (? may be a form of Greek Pelagia?)
Ruliana (juliana?) (? may be a form of Latin Rula?)
Tana (1. name of an Ethiopian lake, the well of the Blue Nile. 2. English: tan. 3. Russian form of Tanja/Tanya)
Vedelia (? may be a form of Indian Veda or Frisian Weda)
Xhaya (zhay-yah) (? may be a form of Greek Xenya?)
Zanira (? may be a form of Arabic Saniyya?)
Arin (a form of Hebrew Aaron)
Baian pr (bay-yahn) (? may be a form of Celtic Bain)
Davon (1. American form of Hebrew David. 2. English form of Old Norse Dagfinn. 3. English form of Latin Devine)
Karet (? may be a form of Old Norse Karl??)
Kotar (? may be a form of Indian Kotari)
Lorys/Loreis (? may be a form of Swiss Loris which comes from Latin Laurentius)
some of these names sound very interesting! I've never heard most of them, and here is what I think of them (just wild and crazy thoughts!!). That was fun!
Adrin (? may be a form of Latin Adrienne?)
Aryn (1. Hebrew / English: illuminated or from the mountains. 2. form of Celtic Erin)
Bedana (? may be a form of Old English Beda?)
Berenja pr (beh-ren-yah) (? may be a form of Berendje which is a Frisian form of German Bernhardine)
Dalon (ooh!) (? may be a form of Delona which comes from German Adela)
Jolina pr (yoh-lee-nah) (a form of Hebrew Josefin or Johanna)
Kareta (fem of Karet) (? may be a form of Karita which comes from Latin Caritas)
Katari (i love this one!) (form of Greek Katarina / Catherine)
Lassen (? may be a form of Scottish Lassie [Lassen is even a Danish and Low German surname meaning: son of Lars/Lasse])
Pelana (? may be a form of Greek Pelagia?)
Ruliana (juliana?) (? may be a form of Latin Rula?)
Tana (1. name of an Ethiopian lake, the well of the Blue Nile. 2. English: tan. 3. Russian form of Tanja/Tanya)
Vedelia (? may be a form of Indian Veda or Frisian Weda)
Xhaya (zhay-yah) (? may be a form of Greek Xenya?)
Zanira (? may be a form of Arabic Saniyya?)
Arin (a form of Hebrew Aaron)
Baian pr (bay-yahn) (? may be a form of Celtic Bain)
Davon (1. American form of Hebrew David. 2. English form of Old Norse Dagfinn. 3. English form of Latin Devine)
Karet (? may be a form of Old Norse Karl??)
Kotar (? may be a form of Indian Kotari)
Lorys/Loreis (? may be a form of Swiss Loris which comes from Latin Laurentius)
some of them sound very exotic,are you from the u.s.? i think some of those names would be very popular as couples are always looking for a unique name for their child
Somewhere in a Tom Stoppard play (I think) there's an ultra-hip early 20th-century poet who composes his works by taking random pages, cutting them up, putting the bits into a hat, shuffling them, throwing them up in the air and picking them up again in any old sequence. This was known as Dadaism, and these look like what the cleaning lady would have to sweep up after one of his sessions.
I agree
Looking at them now...(i think I spelt some of them incorrectly), I'd say I agree!
Looking at them now...(i think I spelt some of them incorrectly), I'd say I agree!