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[Facts] patriotic names
what patriotic names can you think off?????
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Here are some European "patriotic" names:Bavaria – woman from Bavaria (Southern Germany)
Brittany, Brittney, Brittani, Bryttany, Bryttani..... – woman from Brittany (Northwestern France)
Dan – man from Denmark
Dana – woman from Denmark
Engel, Engela – Anglian woman (Old German folk name in Northern Germany)
Engel – man from Angeln (Old German folk name in Northern Germany)
Erin, Eirinn, Eryn… - woman from Eire (Ireland)
Finn, Fynn – man from Finland
Finja, Finnja – woman from Finland
Flemming – Fleming (Northwestern Belgium)
Franciska, Francoise, Francesca, Franka... – woman from France
Francis, Frank… - man from France
Friso – man from Frisia
Germania, Germana, Germaine… - woman from Germany
Germann, German, Germain, Garman… – man from Germany
Göta – woman from Gothia (Sweden)
Göte, Göt, Götar – man from Gothia (Sweden)
Hesso, Hasso – man from Hesse (Germany)
Huno, Hunno – Hun (Old German folk name in Eastern Europe)
Iberia – woman from Iberia (Spain and Portugal)
Itala, Italia – woman from Italy
Italo, Italus – man from Italy
Jytte, Jutta, Jütte, Jutte… - woman from Jylland (Denmark)

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Ruby (july's birthstone) (Ruby Cyan = Red/ Blue)
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For extreme patriotsGunnar, Gunther, Guntram (male) or Gunvor, Gunhild, Gunda (female). All contain the Old Norse element "gunnr" for war. :(
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I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was just trying to make the point that patriotism is dangerous when carried to extremes.
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It is such a beautiful girls name I love it!
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George, lol
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President Washington, I presume?Does anyone have a clearer memory than I do about an old comic song in which the baby ended up with the names:
George Washington Christopher Columbus Roosevelt Douglas LeeI remember my father singing it and giggling!
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Don't know that one but it would fit well into the A. A. Milne poem which starts something like this:"James James Morrison Morrison da da da da da DupuisTook good care of his mother although he was only three."
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James James Morrison Morrison Weatherby George Dupre
Took great care of his mother, though he was only three.
James James said to his mother,
"Mother," he said, said he,
"You must never go down to the end of the town if you don't go down with me."It goes on for pages, but I won't!
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Thanks for refreshing my memory!
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If anyone does know the song that Anneza referred to, please post it. It sounds promising and I'd like to know it. :)
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I have one! Americus~
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