Create a family, you must comply with the conditions for each persons name.
DH: FN: begins with F, MN: is German
DW: FN: rhymes with Tia, MN: another form of a common filler mn (eg Rosalie from Rose)
DD: FN: nature name, MN: begins & ends with a vowel
DS/DS: FNs: both traditional english, MNs: must have a connection.
DD: FN: has nn Ella or Ellie, MN: is from Roman Mythology
DS: FN: is Scandanavian MN: contains er
DD/DD: FNs: one contains ar one contains an, MNs: both are feminine forms of masculine names.
~ * ~ Evy ~ * ~
proud to adopt:
? Peregrine ? Merlin ? Faramond
? Iolanthe ? Stella & ? Kestrel