[Surname] Re: Horowitz
I suppose that it is a Jewish name from East Europe.In some Slavic languages (Chech, Ukrainian) there is a consonant change G -> H. So, that name might come from the word "gora/hora" meaning "mountain" and might be a translation, e.g., of the German name Bergman.
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Horowitz  ·  Sean Foglai  ·  4/24/2005, 12:33 PM
Re: Horowitz  ·  Christo  ·  4/24/2005, 10:40 PM
Re: Horowitz  ·  Sean Foglai  ·  4/25/2005, 9:32 AM
Re: Horowitz  ·  Jim Young.  ·  4/26/2005, 3:57 AM
Re: Horowitz  ·  Bethany Horowitz-Murphy  ·  5/1/2005, 4:54 PM