[Facts] lol! questions on q, x, wh, and w
ok ok,
Bonjour is one word. Bon = good, jour=day
i find it hard to say how to pronounce it but... 'bohnj jewr-neh" now the reason i put the n in bon as nj, is because it is not pronunced hard like in english, but near the back of the mouth, but not in the throat. This is a result from the vowels sound more slurred and less pronunced. This is coming up a lot in my phoneme difficulty.
Bonnuit or Bon nuit = good night
Bonsoir = good evening
Bonne journee = good journey (say it as a goodbye, like have a good day)
There is no real 'good afternoon' you could say Bon apres-midi... but no one does
Say Salut instead. It is more general and not as proper as Bonjour. It can also be used to say goodbye.
Au'revoir is the proper goodbye, technically meaning 'untill we see eachother again'
I love the french word Adieu - goodbye forever from 'to god' 'a dieu'
English should have a word for goodbye forever, we just steal the french word, lolok now for more questions
once again, i would like this opportunity to sound like a broken record and thank you for your help in this endevourok q and x, i dont see why we have these letters
i notice u keep them in ur phoentic list, i was curious as to why
x, itself is made of k+z, sekz for example (my apologies to anyone who found that offensive. its a good example!!!)
Usually x can be represented by one of the two letters, or both. I have yet to find a word that needs 'x'.
Ekz-celent, u get the idea
Next q, i find it's usually a k sound. Kwuilt. Do you agree, yes, no?Next question is on w and wh.
What is the difference.
isnt wh sounds like 'what' just w+h
can u give me some examples
Lots of thankz~Silvah
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Phonetics and Linguistics  ·  Silver  ·  11/9/2002, 12:36 AM
To Y.  ·  Silver  ·  11/15/2002, 10:22 PM
Re: To Y.  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/17/2002, 12:08 AM
Um... im not older... im only 16 n/t  ·  Silver  ·  11/17/2002, 6:37 PM
lol, ill be 17 in one week from today!! n/t  ·  Silver  ·  11/18/2002, 6:58 PM
Happy B-day! Y :D n/t  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/19/2002, 11:01 PM
Yes, you are too! I have been sixteen for one week today! n/t  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/17/2002, 7:38 PM
Re: Yes, you are too! I have been sixteen for one week today! n/t  ·  Pavlos  ·  11/26/2002, 6:18 AM
Re: Yes, you are too! I have been sixteen for one week today! n/t  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/26/2002, 10:51 AM
On constructed languages  ·  Pavlos  ·  11/11/2002, 8:39 AM
Re: On constructed languages  ·  Phyllis  ·  11/19/2002, 9:26 PM
Re: On constructed languages  ·  Pavlos  ·  11/22/2002, 2:20 AM
Pavlos:  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/22/2002, 4:02 PM
Aha :) n/t  ·  Pavlos  ·  11/22/2002, 11:51 PM
Re: On constructed languages  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/19/2002, 11:11 PM
Re: On constructed languages  ·  Nana  ·  11/12/2002, 4:57 AM
PS  ·  Pavlos  ·  11/12/2002, 6:26 AM
More on "Macedonian" as a constructed language  ·  Pavlos  ·  11/12/2002, 6:17 AM
Re: More on "Macedonian" as a constructed language  ·  Nana  ·  11/12/2002, 2:20 PM
Re: More on "Macedonian" as a constructed language  ·  Pavlos  ·  11/13/2002, 1:56 AM
You somehow...  ·  Pavlos  ·  11/11/2002, 7:32 AM
Pavlos (aka CheBanana)...  ·  Phyllis  ·  11/20/2002, 2:03 PM
Re: You somehow...  ·  Holly  ·  11/12/2002, 4:12 PM
lol, i thoroughly enjoyed that, thanks for the laugh ;-) n/t  ·  Silver  ·  11/11/2002, 7:20 PM
A note to Yahalome  ·  Silver  ·  11/10/2002, 4:05 PM
Re: A note to Yahalome  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/11/2002, 4:40 PM
i think i get sumthin...  ·  Silver  ·  11/10/2002, 4:22 PM
Re: i think i get sumthin...  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/11/2002, 4:14 PM
Basically then...  ·  Silver  ·  11/12/2002, 7:39 PM
Re: Basically then...  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/12/2002, 11:18 PM
my dad has one  ·  Silver  ·  11/12/2002, 11:25 PM
Re: my dad has one  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/14/2002, 4:34 PM
one more thing on the loopy n  ·  Silver  ·  11/12/2002, 7:44 PM
Re: one more thing on the loopy n  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/12/2002, 11:25 PM
lol! questions on q, x, wh, and w  ·  Silver  ·  11/13/2002, 8:37 PM
Re: lol! questions on q, x, wh, and w  ·  Lilith  ·  11/15/2002, 7:26 PM
Re: lol! questions on q, x, wh, and w  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/16/2002, 5:29 PM
Re: lol! questions on q, x, wh, and w  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/16/2002, 5:28 PM
Re: lol! questions on q, x, wh, and w  ·  Lilith  ·  11/17/2002, 9:41 PM
Re: lol! questions on q, x, wh, and w  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/14/2002, 4:23 PM
A note ot Mike C  ·  Silver  ·  11/9/2002, 11:43 PM
Re: Phonetics and Linguistics  ·  Lilith  ·  11/9/2002, 12:28 PM
Re: Phonetics and Linguistics  ·  Satu  ·  11/9/2002, 6:12 AM
Re: Phonetics and Linguistics  ·  jdptsax  ·  2/10/2003, 7:42 AM
wow that really helps thanks! ill do ur suggestions n/t  ·  Silver  ·  11/9/2002, 11:46 PM
Re: Phonetics and Linguistics  ·  Yahalome  ·  11/9/2002, 12:54 AM
email  ·  Silver  ·  11/9/2002, 11:47 PM