[Opinions] Chelsea for a boy?
I'm rereading The Dark is Rising sequence by Susan Cooper (wonderful books, if you haven't read them). One of the characters has a male rabbit named Chelsea. I've never heard of Chelsea for a boy before, but there's no real reason why it couldn't be used that way...I think it sounds rather Victorianesque, like Ashley and Aubrey and Kelly. I probably wouldn't use it because I'm not wild about the sound in general, but WDYTO Chelsea for a boy?
~ Caitlín

?????????????? ~ Elspeth, Merry, Tomás, Kip, Ælfwine, Adán, Marit, Bran, Ester, Andrew, Isobel, Jeromiah Andrea, Annit Elisabetta, Josue Alejandro
~ Caitlín

?????????????? ~ Elspeth, Merry, Tomás, Kip, Ælfwine, Adán, Marit, Bran, Ester, Andrew, Isobel, Jeromiah Andrea, Annit Elisabetta, Josue Alejandro
I suppose, being a place and a football club, it could've been unisex. But I've seen it on too many pink-clad little girls to envision it on a boy now. He'd have a grim time at school methinks.
"[David Gest] looks like he's had a lot of plastic surgery done, but not by a plastic surgeon."
(Proud "mother" to Dallán, Aubrianna)
"[David Gest] looks like he's had a lot of plastic surgery done, but not by a plastic surgeon."
(Proud "mother" to Dallán, Aubrianna)
I read somewhere that it was originally used as a boys name in the 1920's...not sure if that's true, but it makes sense to me. I usually think of place names as being unisex anyways.

BtN says its pronounced 'CHEL-see'. Do you all pronounce it this way? The only Chelsea I've ever known pronounced it 'chel-SEE-uh.'
BtN says its pronounced 'CHEL-see'. Do you all pronounce it this way? The only Chelsea I've ever known pronounced it 'chel-SEE-uh.'
Really? I've never heard that. The football club, the place etc. are all pronounced CHEL-see.
"[David Gest] looks like he's had a lot of plastic surgery done, but not by a plastic surgeon."
(Proud "mother" to Dallán, Aubrianna)
"[David Gest] looks like he's had a lot of plastic surgery done, but not by a plastic surgeon."
(Proud "mother" to Dallán, Aubrianna)
My name is Chelsea. I get called chel-see-uh all of the time, but that's not how it's pronounced :-) Of course, someone with the name can pronounce it however they want to, but it's the name of a place so most people say chel-see.

"...his fingers trailing over your belly, your thighs quacking..." — From a The Lord of the Rings crapfic
Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks. See my profile for their names.
"...his fingers trailing over your belly, your thighs quacking..." — From a The Lord of the Rings crapfic
Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks. See my profile for their names.
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot long than you'd like." - Garden State
That's really funny - I've JUST finished re-reading that. Isn't it good?!
The name Chelsea has always struck me as rather naff. To me, who grew up in London. Chelsea has always meant either the fashionable area of that name in London, home to the Chelsea Flower Show, summer haunt of the "to-do" London upper/middle classes, or, at the other extreme, Chelsea Football Club, the Russian mafia-owned 'soccer' club, whose fans could have created the term 'football hooligan' (and who have just come top of the premiership in England, beating Arsenal, my team...grrr!)
So I would never use that name for a girl. But I think it is definitely more of a feminine name. With such a prominant figure as Chelsea Clinton bearing the name, I don't think it could be used on a boy.
Rabbits however are a different matter altogether ;-)
Freddo xx
The name Chelsea has always struck me as rather naff. To me, who grew up in London. Chelsea has always meant either the fashionable area of that name in London, home to the Chelsea Flower Show, summer haunt of the "to-do" London upper/middle classes, or, at the other extreme, Chelsea Football Club, the Russian mafia-owned 'soccer' club, whose fans could have created the term 'football hooligan' (and who have just come top of the premiership in England, beating Arsenal, my team...grrr!)
So I would never use that name for a girl. But I think it is definitely more of a feminine name. With such a prominant figure as Chelsea Clinton bearing the name, I don't think it could be used on a boy.
Rabbits however are a different matter altogether ;-)
Freddo xx
I only like it for a girl. It sounds very feminine to me. I used to actually like it a lot and now I just consider it so-so.
I don't think it's horrible for a boy but I have a hard time imagining it on one.
"I dare you to make less sense."
I don't think it's horrible for a boy but I have a hard time imagining it on one.
First of all, I loved the books. And secondly, I love Chelsea on a boy! I hate it when people think a name should be tied to a certain gender. But I've been off on this rant one too many times, so I'll spare everyone the pain of reading it again, lol.
Top 10 Girls: Eden Nykara, Coy, Ryder, Tenar Hayden, Illeana/Liliana, Evelyn, Yuri, Indy, Marina, Lecksie.
Top 10 Boys: Shannon, James, Andreas, Broderick, Asce, Finley, Orian, Corrigan, Lachlann, Dilandau.
Both: Ariel, Italy, Adie.
Top 10 Girls: Eden Nykara, Coy, Ryder, Tenar Hayden, Illeana/Liliana, Evelyn, Yuri, Indy, Marina, Lecksie.
Top 10 Boys: Shannon, James, Andreas, Broderick, Asce, Finley, Orian, Corrigan, Lachlann, Dilandau.
Both: Ariel, Italy, Adie.
I personally wouldn't use Chelsea either way (the name is not my style). However, if someone else likes it for a boy, I don't mind it.
I don't care for it on a boy. It's strictly a female name to me; I think it's lovely for a girl.
-Lissa Hannah-
!'s = Kipling, Barry, Mortimer, Miles, Marmaduke, Fletcher, Hiram, Wade, Maris, Blanche, Gladys, Arlette, Glenda, Juniper, Lulu, Berthe
?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, Gertrude
-Lissa Hannah-
?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, Gertrude
It's not bad. I would never use either though, both because of the sound and the fact that he'd probably be teased his whole life. But really I think it's an okay boys' name. If girls are being named boy names, then boys can be named girl names. Still, there'd definitely be more teasing on the boys' part.
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot long than you'd like." - Garden State
It's perfectly fine.


Its a very very common name where I live but only for girls, though being a place I suppose it could be used as a boys name,