[Facts] -puts hand up- another question!!
i just discovered the page that u can see what dates correspond with which names (if u havent been there go! its way cool!!!)
so im supposed to be a Katarina (aww thats a pretty name)
and so i looked it up
and confused myself...
the romans wanted the name to mean pure so they changed the spelling
if u named someone Katarina, rather than Katerina
could it not be after katharos?~S!LVA
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confused... i know whats new eh?  ·  Silver  ·  12/3/2002, 6:17 PM
Re: confused... i know whats new eh?  ·  Pavlos  ·  12/4/2002, 8:07 AM
uh....  ·  Silver  ·  12/4/2002, 5:21 PM
-puts hand up- another question!!  ·  Silver  ·  12/3/2002, 6:35 PM
Re: -puts hand up- another question!!  ·  Pavlos  ·  12/4/2002, 6:53 AM
man...  ·  Silver  ·  12/4/2002, 5:18 PM