[Facts] Auby is a surname, if that helps...
Aubie could be an odd form of Aubrey, as someone said.Array
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Does n e 1 know if this is a nickname or what it means?  ·  Ahnnoneh Muss  ·  12/19/2002, 5:10 PM
Auby is a surname, if that helps...  ·  Array  ·  12/20/2002, 8:26 PM
Re: Auby is a surname, if that helps...  ·  lisa  ·  5/10/2004, 10:24 PM
Re: Auby is a surname, if that helps...  ·  Ahnnoneh Muss  ·  12/21/2002, 1:52 PM
Re: Does n e 1 know if this is a nickname or what it means?  ·  raindancing  ·  12/19/2002, 5:19 PM
Re: Does n e 1 know if this is a nickname or what it means?  ·  Ahnonneh Muss  ·  12/20/2002, 5:05 PM