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[Facts] Has anyone heard of this name? (Indeo)
We had a birth in the family recently and the baby was named Indeo Lucia. As you can tell by the middle name it is a girl. I am curious as to where the first name (Indeo) may have come from. Has anyone ever heard of it and if so - would you know the origin of it? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
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In Latin, In deo would mean: Inside God (or, existing in God). So perhaps that might account for it.Just don't ask me to explain the reasoning behind it ... ! It would most certainly never have been used as a name when Latin was a spoken language; it's just a phrase, like Under the bed or Behind the door.
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First thought? It's a variant of India, which derives from the name of the Indus river.The path to the modern form of India is, however, rather tortuous. It all started as Sanskrit Sapta-Sindhu "land of the seven rivers" (Sindhu meaning "river"). Then one day the Persians arrived, and translated Sindhu into Hindu via the common mechanism of aspirating the S. (The modern word Hindu also derives from Sindhu derives from this.) A little later, the Greeks came along and dropped Hindu's H, thus leaving Indos. The Romans took the Greek name up in Latin as Indus, and then proceeded to name the entire subcontinent India after the river.This info comes from Wikipedia: In 1877, Queen Victoria became Empress of India, which was then called "the jewel of the British Empire". India was first taken up among English-speakers in the late 19th century becuse of this; however, it only became truly widespread after it was used to name Ashley Wilkes's sister in Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind (1936).EDIT: Reworded and corrected some stuff, 'cause I got confused. Also added history of usage as a personal given name.
I could also see Indeo somehow coming from Indigo, perhaps from a combination of India and Indigo. Ironically, both India and Indigo have the same etymological roots.Indigo comes from both Spanish índigo and Dutch indigo (the Dutch derived their form from Portuguese endego), which are both ultimately from Latin indicum. The Greek form of indicum was Indikon, which derived from the neuter of Indikos "of India".

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This message was edited 6/1/2005, 2:49 PM

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Sindhu indeed means river, and by extension a large body of water. The etymology is not clear, but maybe indicates the flowing nature of a river from a root sidh meaning to go. The word Sapta means seven as could be guessed from the cognate sept- (Of course the Indians never knew how to count: roughly the same bunch of rivers gave Punjab its name. panch is cognate with penta- and apas are the waters :-) More seriously, rivers change courses, so their numbers also change.)I am not sure if you meant to suggest that the old persians called Sindhu as India: as you correctly point out later in your post, they changed the S to an H. I was nicknamed Indeo by someone in the US once. Never heard of it as a formal name.
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