Here are some local birth announcements. What do you think of these names?
Lillian ElizabethOlivia RaeBreanne MarieKaylen
NoelleBlythe ElizabethLucinda AnnabelleSophia NicolaAbigail RoseAshley Elizabeth CallaHope MarieNalaniah
VirginiaAngelica MariaNeolani
James Della
Jaden AlexanderAndrew EstebanRocco NikolasWyatt Layne
James DanielJace Mykill
Brandon StevenJackson RogerCody MichaelMarco AndresWilliam Gray
George JacobConnor AlecAidan DavidLogan NeilCarson ThomasLogan TimothyAndrew Jacob
Parent name that caught my eye:
I like:
ElizabethBreanne Marie (I prefer the spelling
AnnabelleSophia Abigail RoseAshley ElizabethMarie (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
VirginiaMaria (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
James (I only like this name for a boy)
AlexanderAndrew James DanielBrandon StevenJackson RogerMichaelMarcoWilliam George JacobConnor DavidLogan Carson ThomasLogan TimothyAndrew Jacob
Other comments:
Attack of the trendy name: Kaylen and Jace.
Here we go: boy's name for a girl:
The spelling makes all the difference: Mykill (I'm assuming this is a horrific spelling of
Just plain "what were they thinking!?": Nalaniah, Neolani, Layne, and Gray.
Edit: Added and removed a comment.
Lissa Hannah-
Check out my profile for the names of my !'s, ?'s, ~'s, and /'s.
This message was edited 6/2/2005, 10:02 AM