[Facts] Names
Does anyone know the meaning of "Lemarlis"?
Thank you,Daividh.I hope this will help me with my project,as I've tried absolutely everywhere and I couldn't find the meaning of my name.It's actually Lemarlis.
Thank you,Daividh.I hope this will help me with my project,as I've tried absolutely everywhere and I couldn't find the meaning of my name.It's actually Lemarlis.
This appears to be the female name "Marlis" pimped out with a "Le-" prefix for good measure. Marlis is a German combination of Maria and Lies/Lis (Elizabeth). This name (Marlis) was the subject of an exchange of posts on this board on April 28-29, 2004.
Thanks to Satu for the initial response.
Thanks to Satu for the initial response.
If a Google search for Lemarlis on the whole world-wide huge Internet turns up only a single (!) occurence as it actually does I doubt that anybody has any information. I even dare to say that this name either does not exist exactly as 'Lemarlis' or is made-up and thus singular. If you know a Lemarlis he or she may be the only person among six billions that has this name.
Rene www.AboutNames.ch
Rene www.AboutNames.ch