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[Facts] More names from the origin: Ancient Greece
I am a 'philos' of Ancient Greece, especially language as I think language is the source of other disciplines, such as science, mathematics, economics, politics, religion etc.Here are some names I have found in the last few months.Irene Peace
Bill / William King ÂáóéëéÜò / King
Athanasios / Arthur Á-èÜíáôïò / Immortal
Niki Íßêçóá / Win
Peter ÐáíÜãéá / Ðáí - Üãéá / Ultimate Saint
George / Georgios Ãéþñãïò / Farmer
Anastasia / Anna ÁíÜóôáóç / Resurrection
Chris / Christine / Christos ×ñçóôüò / Good / Moral
Con / Kon / Gus / Konstan Êùóôáíôéíüðïëç / Constantinople
Alexander / Alex ÌÝãáò ÁëÝîáíäñïò / Alexander the great
Theodore Èåüò - äüñï / Gods gift
Steve Óôáýñï / CrossAlso,
You mention the name 'mother' in your Etymology link.
Mother (and all other derivations such as modor) come from the ancient greek work
--> Matera or Mitera which is a direct translation for mother.
--> Patera for Pater which is a direct translation for FatherThankyou,
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~confused~I guess I am missing the point of your posting. Is it to tell about the meaning of some names, to relate "Western" names to their Greek origin or what?
Sorry, but I cannot quite get the
Con / Kon / Gus / Konstan Êùóôáíôéíüðïëç / Constantinople part. Yes, Constantinople is named after emperor Constantine, but how does it relate to Gus (which I know as a short from Gustavo, but I guess it could also come from cognates like Gustav or Gustaf)?
Also, I am not sure the Stavros - Steve part is right. Is it because of the "v" sound that you thought that Steve comes from "stavros" and not come from "stefanos"? Btw, a lot of Steves (here in the States) spell their name as Stephen.
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Con / Kon / Gus / Konstan Êùóôáíôéíüðïëç / Constantinople part. Yes, Constantinople is named after emperor Constantine, but how does it relate to Gus (which I know as a short from Gustavo, but I guess it could also come from cognates like Gustav or Gustaf)?Yeah, I have cousin named Zaferia, and her parents say her English name is Jennifer?! and It's not just my aunt and uncle, practically all Zaferia's in North America go by Jennifer. I wonder how that relates, other than both names contain 'fer'.take care.
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ÃåéÜ óïõ Êþóôá :)I too am at a loss as to how many Greeks in the US called Constantine change their names to Gus. Maybe because Constantine is quite a mouthful for native English speakers, and probably some early immigrant chose "Gus" and started a trend. In any case, Gus is not a bona fide Greek name back home.As far as Zafeiria, the correct English translation is Sapphire, not Jennifer :)
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