[Facts] Satu's Spanish...
in reply to a message by Satu
Hi Satu,I supose you were trying to say "just try the link: Erica"That, translated in to Spanish would be"Haz click en el vínculo: Erica""intento justo el acoplamiento" means "I try just that rythm":oD I think it is really cool that you try your best at helping in any language. Thanks a lot :oD~Magia~
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hola!  ·  erica  ·  3/19/2003, 10:00 AM
Re: hola!  ·  Satu  ·  3/19/2003, 12:35 PM
Satu's Spanish...  ·  Magia  ·  3/19/2003, 12:55 PM
Hehe!  ·  Satu  ·  3/20/2003, 1:06 PM