You like even #s better - Make up a silly last name.
You like odd #s better - Use your pet's name (or a friend's pet)
Use a masculine version of your name if you're a girl.
Use a masculine version of a girl you know's name if your a guy.
(Use favorite boy name as middle name)
Favorite Color:
Pink or
Red -
Prissy, feminine name
Blue - Either sex name (ex:
Purple -
Royal name
Green or Yellow -
Flower name
(Middle Name - Virtue or Spiritual name)
If you're...
under 13 - FN & MN start with same letter
13-15 - FN starts with A, MN is the name of your best (girl) friend
16-17 - FN is the name of your best (girl) friend, MN starts with K
18-24 - FN starts with C, MN is feminine version of best guy friend
25-35 - FN starts with a T, MN is a grandmother's name
36+ - FN & MN start w/ same letter as your name
If you would rather...
Perform - FN is Disney name, MN is a day of the week, month, or season
Watch some1 perform - FN & MN celeb sister set (ex:Hilary
Jessica Ashlee...)
Die than perform or watch some1 perform - FN is peppy sounding, MN is dark sounding
You fit in best in which time period
Biblical times - FN & MN Biblical
Anytime between Biblical & 1800s - FN Shakespeare char. MN dad's name
1800s - FN Gone With The Wind character or actor, MN popular in 1800s
1900-1940s - FN Actor from 20s-40s, MN a grandpa's name
1950s-1970s - FN & MN tv characters or singers from that period
1980s-1990s - FN singer from 80s or 90s, MN name of 80s or 90s tv show
A name that sounds better on a cat