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[Games] CAF
Use my favourites and create a family.LN: (your choice)
DS: Dog:
Goldfish: Boys Names: Ambrose, Caspar, Stellan, Micah, Lachlan, Cyan, Vivian, Torin, Etienne, Crispin, Adlai, Gabriel, Flynn, Leander, Caerwyn, Addison, Evander, Elias, Sergei / Sergio, Ryland (link: Rylan), Sterling, Florian, Dominic, Yorick, Cadell, Anders, November, Solly, Tate, Kip, Casimir, Emeric, Azrael, Hazael.
Girls Names:Esmeralda, Nessa, Kerenza / Kerensa, September, Willow, Tuuli, Vanda, Tallulah, Lyla (link: Lila), Estella, Philippa, Camilla, Laurel, Hazel, Chloris, Ayelet, Calanthe, Kalliope, Daisy, Jessie, Kelia, Twyla, Soleil, Thalia, Harmonia, Sabella, Marla, Elanor (link: Eleanor), Adara, Tor, Luna, Zora, Keturah, Jola.-Seda*
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I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
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LN: Tibby
DH: Ambrose Emeric
DW: EsmeraldaDD: Nessa Tor
DS/DD: Caspar Tate and September Luna
DD: Willow Harmonia
DD: Talullah Ayelet
DS: Lachlan FlynnDog:
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LN: Cadell
DH: Domenic Ambrose 'Nic'
DW: Philippa Elanor 'Pippa'DD: Adara Elanor 'Adara'
DS/DD: Flynn Domenic / Kelia Hazel 'Flynn & Kel'
DD: Estella September 'Stella'
DD: Thalia Willow 'Tali'
DS: Caspar Ambrose 'Cas' Dog: Sterling
Cat: Kip
Goldfish: Elias

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LN: Peloquin
DH: Anders Emeric
DW: Daisy AdaraDD: Camilla Willow
DS/DD: Azrael Crispin & Kerensa Laurel
DD: Nessa Soleil
DD: Vanda Elanor
DS: Lachlan FlynnDog: Tallulah
Cat: Jessie
Goldfish: SollyKelly
Sasha comes home any time now!
Our daughter Aminta Bella is due in September!
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LN: Cainecop
DH: Gabriel Dominic "Gabe"
DW: Daisey EstellaDD: Nessa Harmonia
DS/DD: Caspar Crispin / Kelia Sabella
DD: Adara Marla
DD: Esmeralda Jessie "Esme"
DS: Micah SterlingDog: September
Cat: Kerenza
Goldfish: Vanda
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LN: Johnson
DH: Gabriel Cadell
DW: Jola CamillaDD: Laurel Harmonia
DS/DD: Kip Dominic and Kelia Willow
DD: Luna Adara
DD: Lyla Tor
DS: Evander Tate
Gabe and Jola: Lauri, Kip, Keli, Luna, Tor, Evan
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LN: Jenson
DH: Stellen Addison
DW: Daisy SoleilDD: Luna Keturah
DS/DD: Elias Gabriel & Hazel Camilla
DD:Calanthe Sabella
DD: Laurel Kalliope
DS: Dominic CrispinDog: Kip
Cat: Flynn
Goldfish Ayelet
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DH: Florian Elias
DW: Hazel KarensaDD: Tallulah Calanthe
DS/DD: Micah Leander and Lyla Daisy
DD: Esmeralda Laurel
DD: Luna Kalliope
DS: Gabriel AddisonDog: Caspar
Cat: Willow
Goldfish: Tor
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LN: Risteen
DH: Dominic Lachlan
DW: Laurel JolaDD: Eleanor Jessie
DS/DD: Evander Gabriel / Willow Ayelet
DD: Camilla September
DD: Kalliope Lyla
DS: Addison MicahDog: Tate
Cat: Nessa
Goldfish: ZoraThe Risteens
Dom and Laura
Ellie, Evan, Willow, Cami, Kalli and Addison
Tate, Nessa and ZoraNikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
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Hehe..If you're into nicknames you can contine with nning Willow and Addison as Willa and Addie / Adi.-Seda*
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I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
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DH: Elias Evander "Eli"
DW: Lyla CamillaDD: Esmeralda Laurel "Esme"
DS/DD: Dominic Etienne / Kerenza Adara
DD: Hazel Thalia
DD: Willow Kelia
DS: Casimir LachlanDog: November
Cat: Estella
Goldfish: Rylan

This message was edited 6/21/2005, 10:37 AM

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LN: Welster
DH: Ryland Stellan
DW: Nessa KaturahDD: Thalia Calanthe
DS/DD: Micah Emeric / Hazel Elanor
DD: Luna Camilla
DD: Willow Kerensa
DS: Elias DominicDog: Cadell
Cat: Tate
Goldfish: Cyan Indy
!!!!!!! and ???, see my profile for their names!
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LN: (your choice)DH: Gabriel Elias
DW: Daisy MarlaDD: Laurel Tallulah
DS/DD: Caspar Dominic / Kerensa Hazel
DD: Philippa Elanor
DD: Camilla Esmeralda
DS: Ambrose MicahDog: Jessie
Cat: Crispin
Goldfish: Cyan
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LN: (your choice)
DH: Stellan Gabriel
DW: Nessa HarmoniaDD: Adara Willow
DS/DD: Torin Dominic / Philippa Laurel
DD: Zora Estella
DD: Kelia Soleil
DS: Crispin YorickDog: Solly
Cat: Twyla
Goldfish: September
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LN: Honeybaker
DH: Gabriel Florian
DW: Kerensa PhilippaDD: Sabella Calanthe
DS/DD: Dominic Elias / Elanor Laurel
DD: Hazel Estella
DD: Camilla Adara
DS: Etienne AmbroseDog: Marla
Cat: Solly
Goldfish: Kip
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DH: Anders Gabriel
DW: Lyla ChlorisDD: Laurel Esmeralda
DS/DD: Caspar Sterling & Hazel Kerenza
DD: Luna Elanor
DD: Camilla Daisy
DS: Florian CadellDog: Sergei Dominic
Cat: Nessa Willow
Goldfish: Ryland November
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LN: Brown
DH: Florian Elias,
DW: Elanor KalliopeDD: Estella Laurel,
DS/DD: Leander Ryland / Kerensa Soleil,
DD: Thalia Calanthe
DD: Camilla Hazel
DS: Dominic AmbroseDog: Kip,
Cat: Luna,
Goldfish: SollyEdit - forgot the goldfish :)

This message was edited 6/21/2005, 3:12 AM

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LN: Byrne
DH: Florian Casper Etienne
DW: Thalia WillowDD: Elanor September
DS/DD: Emeric Azrael Flynn "Emery" / Tallulah Hazel
DD: Daisy Sabella
DD: Lyla Soleil
DS: Sergei Yorick KipDog: Cadell
Cat: Solly
Goldfish: TateOh too many good names!!
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thanks!..*Aphrodite* (aka Hattie)
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I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
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LN: KensingtonDH: Ryland Dominic
DW: Thalia LaurelDD: Elanor Soleil
DS/DD: Lachlan Evander / Lyla Esmeralda
DD: Camilla Luna
DD: Daisy Estella
DS: Micah StellanDog: Nessa
Cat: Hazel
Goldfish: Cyan
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Christina Lily Marie, Courteney Ava Rose, Elisabeth Rachel Grace, Janna Michelle Rene, & Josephine Monica Celeste
Austin William, Conner Luis, Jude Hamilton, Luke Preston, & William GrantCarrie Underwood is our American Idol...Congratulations Carrie!!!

This message was edited 6/21/2005, 12:32 AM

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LN: Wheatherby
DH: Elias Lachlan
DW: Jessie TallulahDD: Estella Soleil
DS/DD: Gabriel Emeric / Daisy Thalia
DD: Lyla Willow
DD: Hazel Esmeralda
DS: Dominic FlynnDog: Caspar
Cat: Kip
Goldfish: Zora

This message was edited 6/20/2005, 11:53 PM

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LN: BlakeneyDH: Addison Dominic
DW: Thalia ElanorDD: Estella Laurel "Stella"
DS/DD: Lachlan Elias and Kelia Soleil
DD: Adara Willow
DD: Tallulah Hazel
DS: Ryland GabrielDDog: Sergio
DCat: Daisy
DGoldfish: Crispin
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LN: Kemp
DH: Adlai Evander
DW: Elanor KeturahDD: Tallulah Harmonia
DS/DD: Florian November / Hazel Willow
DD: Luna Soleil
DD: Daisy Chloris
DS: Caerwyn CyanDog: Tate
Cat: Zora
Goldfish: Crispin-Tara
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LN: Kristofferson
DH: Micah Evander
DW: Camilla CalantheDD: Willow Lyla
DS/DD: Lachlan Elias / Tallulah Hazel
DD: Daisy Estella
DD: Laurel Harmonia
DS: Gabriel AddisonDog: Yorick
Cat: Jessie
Goldfish: Luna
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks *"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
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Great taste in names, as always!LN: Grandle
DH: Elias Micah
DW: Estella AyeletDD: Lyla Calanthe
DS/DD: November Sergio / Philippa Tor 'Pippa'
DD: Lyla Chloris
DD: Luna Laurel
DS: Solly TateDog: Tallulah
Cat: Soleil
Goldfish: AdaraThe Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site:
Pillar rocks!
!!!! - My munchkins Drew, Scarlett, Delilah, and Marisol.
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thanks..and you!(m)I'm really liking Estella Ayelet.-Seda*
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I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
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LN: Baker
DH: Leander Dominic
DW: Esmeralda DaisyDD: Kalliope Ayelet
DS/DD: Elias November / Camilla September
DD: Kerenza Willow
DD: Philippa Tor
DS: Crispin AndersDog: Luna
Cat: Micah
Goldfish: Ryland~Leander and Esme
~~Kalli, Elias, Cami, Renza, Pippa, and Cris
~~~Luna, Micah, and Ry

This message was edited 6/20/2005, 5:58 PM

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haha...You and Tor both have a daughter named Philippa Tor.
I thought about making the twins have the month names. You and I must think a lot alike. :)-Seda*
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I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
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Well, I *had* to use the name Tor in some way....
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site:
Pillar rocks!
!!!! - My munchkins Drew, Scarlett, Delilah, and Marisol.
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Of course!...*Aphrodite* (aka Hattie)
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I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
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