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[Facts] A whole whack of pro. questions
I've been meaning to ask a bunch of pronunciation questions, so I'm just going to post them all in one go. I doubt anyone is going to know how to pronounce these ALL, so don't kill yourself trying to figure it out.Native American names:
(g) Amadahy
(b) Anoki
(g) Chenoa (I know a little girl named Chenoa, she pronounces is sheh-noah. Just wondering if that's correct)
(g) Catori
(g) Cholena
(g) Kilenya
(g) Koleyna
(g) Miakoda
(g) Minya
(g/b) Pillan
(g) Shada
(g) Taima African names:
(b) Bahari
(g) Chalondra
(g) Cyrah Celtic/Gaelic names:
(g) Chaeli
(b) Cailean Arabic names:
(g) Chaka
(g) Jihan
(g) Kahlilia
(g) Khadija Spanish names:
(b) Chavez
(g) Madrona
(g) ZamoraGreek names:
(g) Drea
(g) Galatea
(g) Pelagia
(g) Rhea (I've always thought it was ray-ah, but someone told me ree-ah, so I'm not quite sure.)
(g/b) Solaris Hindi names:
(g) Jyotika
(g) Kaveri
(g) Kavindra
(g) Sohalia Egyptian names:
(g) Tahirah
(g) Chavi
(g) Nailah Polish names:
(g) KsenaSwahili names:
(g) Raziya Russian names:
(g) Sezja Not sure:
Nalini Sorry that was so long, but any help would be appreciated! Thanks!-------------------------------------------------
Sean: No, you're not Jesus, you're Bob!
Bob: I'm Bob!PPs ??? ! ... ... ~~~ ` in profile!
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Native American names:
(g) Minya-MIN-yuh
(g/b) Pillan-PILL_anAfrican names:
(b) Bahari -buh-HAR-ee
(g) Chalondra-shu-LOHN-drahCeltic/Gaelic names:
(b) Cailean-KAH-len Arabic names:
(g) Khadija-kuh-DEE-zha (like the 's' in vision)Spanish names:
(b) Chavez-shu-VEZ or chu-VEZ
(g) Madrona -mah-DROHN-uh
(g) Zamora-zuh-MOR-uhGreek names:
(g) Drea-DREE-uh
(g/b) Solaris-soh-LAR-isHindi names:
(g) Sohalia-soh-HAH-lee-uh or soh-HAHL-yuh Egyptian names:
(g) Tahirah -tuh-HEER-uh
(g) Nailah-NYE-luh Swahili names:
(g) Raziya-ruh-ZEE-yuh Not sure:
Nalini -I would say nah-LEE-nee
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Spanish names
Chavez (correctely spelled Chávez) is not pronounced shu-VEZ or chu-VEZ, but CHAH-bes in American Spanish or CHAH-beth in Castilian Spanish. Madrona is not pronounced mah-DROHN-uh, but mah-DROH-nah.Zamora is not pronounced zuh-MOR-uh, but thah-MOH-rah in Castilian Spanish or sah-MOH-rah in American Spanish.
The CH has always the sound CH (as in church). The pronunciation with SH correspond to French, not to Spanish.
The Z has a sound S in America Spanish and TH in Castilian Spanish.
The V and the B have the same sound B.
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About Chavez...Chavez is usually spelled with an accent mark over the 'a', causing it to be pronounced CHAH-vez.
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ChávezChávez with an accent is the ONLY correct spelling in Spanish. The pronunciaton causes the mark, not the mark causes the pronunciation.Lumia
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Hindi names:
(g) Jyotika - JOE-thee-kah (the TH in THEE is a short quick one, like in 'thing', rather than 'them')
(g) Kaveri - KAH-vay-ree or kuh-vuh-REE
(g) Kavindra - kuh-VIN-thra (thra as in the begining of "throw")
(g) Sohalia - soh-HULL-yah
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(g) Ksena - probably KSEH-nah, I'm not sure
(g) Sezja - it definitely isn't a Russian name, I would pronounce it SEH-zyah_________________________________________________
“Our towers grow ever stronger and climb ever higher, but beauty they leave behind on earth.”
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For the site I got it from, it said it was Russian. *shrugs*-------------------------------------------------
Sean: No, you're not Jesus, you're Bob!
Bob: I'm Bob!PPs ??? ! ... ... ~~~ ` in profile!
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a as in English cut, A as in cAr, o as in home, i as in hit, I as in heat, t as pronounced in French, d as in English then, v is English b spoken by touching the upper teeth to the lower lips instead of touching the two lips (somewhat like a w). It has less aspiration than the English v (the English v is like Indian v + h).(g) Jyotika: jyotikA
(g) Kaveri: kAverI
(g) Kavindra: never heard it as a feminine name. As a male name, it is kavIndranalini is usually female and pronounced nalinI in Hindi.These names are of Sanskrit origin, and appear in a number of Indian languages. The pronounciation changes depending on the language. Thus, in Bengali, the a is pronounced like an o, v as b, and I as i. Many of the modern Indian languages do not display word stress as a feature.
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Thank you! Helped so much!
Sean: No, you're not Jesus, you're Bob!
Bob: I'm Bob!PPs ??? ! ... ... ~~~ ` in profile!
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I'll try...Pelagia-- puh-LAY-jee-uhFor Spanish: usually the second-to-last syllable is accented, unless an accent mark tells you otherwise. Letters are always pronounced the same. (So I'll give the Spanish ones a stab...)Chavez- Array is right. SHAH-vehz (Like Cesar Chavez, the Venezuelan (?) guy)Madrona- mah-DROH-nah
Zamora- sah-MOR-ah (MOR sounds like more)I've always pronounced Rhea REE-ah. Did you check the database for prn?I would pronounce Galatea guh-LAY-tee-uh, and Solaris sol-AR-iss (sol=soul, AR=are).I have no idea on the rest of them. :SEdited to add: Rhea is prn REE-ah in the database. Click on the link.~♥Eirena♥~
Playing battleship.
Two-Face: "B12."
Riddler: "A hit! And also my favorite vitamin."
~Batman Forever

This message was edited 6/30/2005, 7:37 AM

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For Rhea: yes, I've checked the database. I've only ever HEARD it pr. RAY-ah though, and a lot of other names in the database have other pr. not listed, so I was just wondering what other people thought.-------------------------------------------------
Sean: No, you're not Jesus, you're Bob!
Bob: I'm Bob!PPs ??? ! ... ... ~~~ ` in profile!
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Spanish pronunciationThe CH has always the sound CH (as in church). The pronunciation with SH correspond to French, not to Spanish.
The Z has a sound S in America Spanish and TH in Castilian Spanish.
The V and the B have the same sound B.
The pronunciations of the surnames asked are:Chávez - CHAH-bes in South America (the Venezuelan president is Hugo Chávez) or CHAH-beth in Spain.Zamora - thah-MOH-rah in Spain (it is a Spanish town name and a surname derived from) or sah-MOH-rah
The pronunciation of Madrona is correct.
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:) Thanks.
Playing battleship.
Two-Face: "B12."
Riddler: "A hit! And also my favorite vitamin."
~Batman Forever
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I'll give it a go...(b) Cailean - KAH-lin
(g) Jihan - JEE-hun
(g) Kahlilia - ka-LIL-ya
(g) Khadija - cha-DID-ya
(b) Chavez - CHA-vez
(g) Madrona - ma-DRO-na
(g) Zamora - za-MO-ra
(g) Drea - DRAY-ah
(g) Galatea - ga-la-TAY-ah
(g) Pelagia - pe-LA-ja (I think)
(g) Rhea - RAY-uh
(g/b) Solaris - so-LAH-ris
(g) Kavindra - ka-VIN-thra
(g) Ksena - KSEN-ah
(g) Sezja - SEH-zha
Nalini - one of my favourites! It's Hindi, means "lotus" (I've read "water lily", too). I pr. it nah-LEE-nee, I don't know if it's correct. *Pitiful creature of darkness!/ What kind of live have you known?/ God give me courage to show you/ you are not alone...*
~ Phantom of the Opera

This message was edited 6/30/2005, 7:08 AM

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nalinee is the stalk or the entire plant of Nelumbo Nucifera which according to dictionary is called a lotus. Its common names in a variety of languages is at plants are eudicots, as you can see from the proteales page at the tree of life, whereas the water lilies are not.
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nalinee is the stalk or the entire plant of Nelumbo Nucifera which according to dictionary is called a lotus. Its common names in a variety of languages is at plants are eudicots, as you can see from the
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Khadija - khah-DEE-jah~Lully Lulla~
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I would say these names like this (bear in mind that I'm a Midwesterner and thus have some lazy vowels):(g) Kahlilia~ kah-lee-lee-yah? As far as I know, the similar Kalila is kah-lee-lah, so I'd guess Kahlilia would be along the same lines.(b) Chavez~ SHA-vez or SHA-vayz
(g) Madrona~ mah-DROH-nah
(g) Zamora~ zah-MOH-rah(g) Drea~ DRAY-uh
(g) Galatea~ ga-luh-TAY-yah ("ga" like the A in "attic")
(g) Pelagia~ peh-lah-JEE-yah?
(g) Rhea~ I've only heard it as REE-yah. And as RAY, but those people just really liked Caroline Rhea.
(g/b) Solaris~ soh-LAIR-is--that's how the name of the movie was pronunced, IIRC.(g) Raziya~ rah-ZEE-yah or RAH-zee-yah.Nalini~ nah-LEE-nee?I've skipped the ones I'd feel weird guessing at.Array
"What are these parents thinking?...Let's name her Madison--she'll live in her own world: 16 square miles surrounded by reality." -- Susan Lampert Smith
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*Tries*:Arabic names:
(g) Chaka khah-kah? shah-kah?
(g) Jihan jee-hahn?
(g) Kahlilia kah-lee-lyah
(g) Khadija khah-deed-jahSpanish names:
(b) Chavez ?
(g) Madrona mah-droh-nah
(g) Zamora zah-moh-rahGreek names:
(g) Drea dreh-ah
(g) Galatea gah-lah-teh-ah
(g) Pelagia peh-lah-g-yah
(g) Rhea reh-ah
(g/b) Solaris soh-lah-reesEgyptian names:
(g) Tahirah tah-hee-rah
(g) Chavi khah-vee or shah-vee
(g) Nailah nie-lah / nah-ee-lahPolish names:
(g) Ksena kseh-nahRussian names:
(g) Sezja It looks rather Polish, but yeah... seh-zyah I think
~~ Claire ~~
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