[Facts] Re: How does Mattew Preston sound?
by PriaposLovs (guest)
3/5/2001, 9:33 AM
The scope of this site is to determine what is *behind* a name, not to determine the aesthetics of a name. And most anagrams behind Mathew Preston are pretty nasty. Here's a sampling:
"Want stepmother" (Oedipal impulses by adopted kids)
"Wetter phantoms" (Necrophiliacs watch out what you're after, 'cause you may get it!)
"The rotten swamp" (A cheezy b-movie waiting to be made)
"Sp*rm on the tw*t" (Detail of Jeff Koons photo featuring himself and his ex-wife Ilona Staller)
"Tramp Whetstone" (Wilma Flintstone's nemesis)
With all due apologies, it has been an excremental day at work.