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[Facts] Are these names for real?
Are there really people named Shithead or Orangejello/Lemonjello?I ask because I've always thought they were urban legends. But Heather and Alicia over at the other board claim that Heather's mother-in-law is a teacher, and she had a student named Shithead in her class. (Heather and Alicia are best friends.)Miranda
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I had Easter dinner Sunday, April 11 with two nurse friends from Duke Hospital, Durham, NC, who were in the preemie intensive care unit there in 1999. They witnessed the naming of a set of twins orangejello and lemonjello. My son in Florida told me today that he'd heard it was an urban legend. I asked one of the nurses to reverify that at least one instance of it happened at Duke. She did and I believe her. Perhaps it's an instance of an urban legend being realized.
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For those of you doubting the existance of "Shithead" as a first name, you have to realize that it is not pronounced Shit-Head, but Sha-Theed', with the accent on "Theed". Does that not sound like a probable name? Maybe the horrible mistake came when the benevolent, yet mentally absent, parents filled in the Birth Certificate.
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Urban legends all. Read......about these and other's at Norah the Name Nerd's site: Nanaea
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Yes, I was right!Except nobody believes me! Oh well, perhaps I'll put up that site again and see what everybody thinks. But everyone's so SURE that somebody they know knew somebody who had an urban legend name, I wonder if they'll listen... *sigh*Miranda
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Yes!I had a friend who worked in the filing office for Ramsey County schools (that's in St. Paul, MN) and he claims there were two girls registered to start school named Lemonjello and Orangejello. In fact, he had to call the home and I guess it's pronounced Leh-monzhe-LO and OH-ronzhe-lo. Life is stranger than fiction some times...
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I also personally know a family in Bemidji whose children's names are Annie Christ and California 7. In fact, the small town was in a real upset when the couple originally named their second daughter California 666. Weirdos.
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I could picture Orangejello and Lemonjello to be for real... but *not* Shithead. That goes just waaaay too far for me - I'm sure someone from the government would've prevented the parents from naming their kid that.Lucille
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If they are real thats disturbing..........
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