[Facts] Yes!
I had a friend who worked in the filing office for Ramsey County schools (that's in St. Paul, MN) and he claims there were two girls registered to start school named Lemonjello and Orangejello. In fact, he had to call the home and I guess it's pronounced Leh-monzhe-LO and OH-ronzhe-lo. Life is stranger than fiction some times...
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Are these names for real?  ·  Miranda  ·  7/26/2003, 9:56 AM
Re: Are these names for real?  ·  Jo  ·  4/13/2004, 1:12 AM
Re: You have to realize...  ·  Steve  ·  8/18/2003, 12:44 AM
Urban legends all. Read...  ·  Nanaea  ·  7/26/2003, 2:07 PM
Yes, I was right! (m)  ·  Miranda  ·  7/27/2003, 2:07 AM
Yes!  ·  Vivian  ·  7/26/2003, 2:06 PM
Re: Yes!  ·  Vivian  ·  7/26/2003, 2:31 PM
Re: Are these names for real?  ·  Lucille  ·  7/26/2003, 1:20 PM
If they are real thats disturbing..........nt  ·  Mwa  ·  7/26/2003, 10:39 AM