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Ariyana Jaydalynn .... ickDiana Lynne
Jacob Scott's EDD: August 27, 2005
Taken By: Jason Theodore
Together Since 2/11/01, Engaged Since 2/25/04
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Ariyana is a pretty name but the spelling is a bit much. Ariyana Jaydalynn is too sing-songy for my tastes but Jaydalynn is pretty (I don't care for the spelling though). Something like Jaida Lynn, Jada Lynn, Jadalyn, or Jadalynn would have seemed better to me.
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Yes, ick!
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Yikes! Y overload to say the least. Blech. My mind automatically separates the names (with correct spelling no less!) to Ariana Jada Lynn, which isn't quite so bad. But, erm, in the format the parents chose...*trails off into silence as the lethal (mis)spelling begins eating away at brain cells*Proud adopter of eight PPs! See my profile for their names.

"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing." -Jessamyn West (1903-1984)
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Attack of the trendy spellings and y! Yes, spelling the names that way will make the child totally unique. :::sigh:::
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Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here? - "Gladiator"
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LOL...and ditto!
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Ariyana Jaydalynn??? Are you serious? Are her parents serious? Wait ... The root of "Jade" is
in that name. What if it's a boy? (just kidding). I'd hate to see her signature.
xx Cait xx All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Mystery Moontoes
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