DHWhat is your favorite color out of these?
Green- FN is "overused", MN is 1 syllable
Purple- FN is a color, MN is nature related
Yellow- FN and MN are names not associated with your origin
DWIf you could visit one of these places, which one would you pick?
Hawaii- FN is a "virtue" name, MN is 3 syllables or more
Australia- FN starts with a V, MN is your name
Ireland- FN is something with a "feline" meaning, MN has more than one "a"
DChildrenYou would prefer to live:
In an apartment in a city- DD/DD, FN must end in "ie" and have a Gaelic/Irish MN
Near a beach- DS/DD/DS, FN begin with T or L, MN are "themey"
In a sprawling mansion- DS/DS, FN must have "canine" meaning, 2 MNs
DChild(ren)Your favorite movie genre is:
Romance- DD, FN means flower, MN is DW's MN
Thriller- DS/DS, FN are variation of/ similar to DH's FN, no MN
Adventure/Comedy- DS/DD, FN is whatever you choose, 2 MNs
DChild(ren)Your favorite season is:
Winter- DS, FN and MN are "themey"
Spring/Summer- DS/DD, FN and MN have the same or similar meaning
Autumn- DS/DS/DS- FN is a place name, MN is a word name