[Surname] Alden, Barnes, Dallas, DeWitt, Fell, Furley, Kline, Knotts, Lindley, Ritter, Roper, Snow, Somers, Tripper, Wood...need origins & meanings please
I'd like to know the origins & meanings of all of the following names:

Alden, Dallas, DeWitt, Fell, Furley, Kline, Knotts, Lindley, Ritter, Roper, Snow, Somers, Tripper, Wood.
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Can anyone tell me the origins & meanings of Furley, Somers, & Tripper ? I can't find their origins & meanings anywhere.
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Alden is English & it means old friend, or old wise protector.

Barnes is English & it means one who came from Barnes, "the barns", villages in Surrey & Aberdeenshire. One who dwelt near a barn or grain storage building. Descendant of Barn, pet name of Barnabas, son of prophecy or consolation, or of Beorn, a nobleman derived from Bairn or child, often a young person of prominent family.

Dallas is Scottish & it means "place on the plain". It refers to the place where the original bearer dwelt.

DeWitt is Dutch & Flemish & it means white. It referred to one who had light-colored hair & complexion.

Fell is English. It indicated residence on or near a mountain rather than a hill (although the distinction in many instances is nebulous).

Kline is Germanic. It is derived from the nickname for a small, little, thin dwarfish man, often anglicized into Cline.

Knotts is the English transformation of Knott. It indicated the top of the hill, it should be noted that some terms for hill or mound served as nicknames for large, fat men. It also designated the bald, or close-cropped head.

Lindley is English. It is derived from the name of an English village meaning: glade where flax was grown. It is derived from Old English meaning: lime tree & wood. The name was given to those from Lindley, a place in West yorkshire, England.

Ritter is German. It designated a military servant to the king or great baron, he was mounted soldier owing loyalty to his liege lord bound to fight in his quarrels. It is derived from the nickname which called attention to noblebirth or exalted rank. It means "Knight".

Roper is English. It referred to one who made & sold rope.

Snow is English. It denoted a person who was born during a snow storm, although sometimes alludes to the man with a snow white head.

Tripper is English & it means dancer.

Wood is English. It designated the original bearer who dwelt in or near small wood or shaw. It's an occupational name for a woodcutter or forester. It was also a nickname for a mad, violent, or eccentric person.
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Hey there. I found two on the site and copy and pasted them. I hope that's okay, since it's intrasite. other than those, I took some guesses. Hope they give you some ideas or help in some way :)

Barnes: English
Denoted a person who worked or lived in a barn. The word barn is derived from Old English bere "barley" combined with oern "house". -From site

Roper: I’m guessing is occupationally based, a cattle-herder or such. Also might be a changed form of "Robert" They do sound similar. There is also a finnish form of "Robert": Roope, which may lead to possibilities...

In looking up Rope in the barnhart concise dictionary of etymology: Rope: about 1200, developed from old english (about 725), cognate with Old Frisian -rap, middle low german rep rope, middle and modern dutch reep, old high german reif hoop, old icelandic reip rope. Hope that helps.

Snow: I’m guessing this would make reference to where the person came from, or how they dressed.

In the etymology dictionary from above: snow: probably before 1200, developed from old english snaw, cognate with Old Frisian sne snow, old saxon sneo, M. L. German sne, M. Dutch snee, O. H. German sneo, O. Icelandic snaer (with ae letter), snjor, Gothic snaiws

Somers I’m guessing comes from “summers” with an accent  The following for summers is intrasite:
Summers English
Occupational surname meaning "summoner", which is the petty official who calls people to appear in court.
Summers English
From the Middle English sumer "summer". This was a nickname given to someone associated with the summer season.

Also look into M. French words borrowed. for example, somersault is borrowed from M. French "sombresault" Sombre means "over." *shrug*

Tripper I’m guessing is occupational, as in a tracker or trapper.

Oh, oh, oh! Looked up "trip" in etymology dictionary...might be really helpful for you: trip: about 1390 "trippen"- tread or step lightly, skip, caper, borrowed from old french "tripper"- strike with feet, from a germanic source (compare low german trippen, tripplen, M. Dutch trepelan, and modern dutch trappen to stamp, tread) Entry indicates relation to "trap"

Wood English, Scottish
Originally denoted one who lived in or worked in a wood or forest, derived from Middle English wode.- From site

Hope that helps!
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'Kline' means little in German.
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Alden means "old wise protector" and the origin is english. Dallas is Scottish and is a city in both Texas and Scotland. Dewitt is flemish and means "blonde".
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