Hello and welcome to Quigonjecca's congrats round nine! This round you all get to retrieve your families. Here is the link:
I know It was going to be a ten round game, but I think nine is enough. We all had fun I hope! Maybe I'll host another one soon! Thanks for playing everyone!!!!
You get to decide the genders/number of children/multiples/who gets the children this round. All I ask is that you use these links for names:
All names can be determined by the twelve sided die. Roll for each child:
http://www.behindthename.com/submit/ (all names can be found here. The dice determine the page you get to go to.)
1. C, Q and L
2. T, S and A
3. Z, R and A
4. E, L and P
5. D, I and J
6. O, U and V
7. G, K and E
8. A, E and Y
9. X, W and F
10. L, N and A
11. D, B and M
12. I, O and U
This message was edited 3/8/2007, 6:16 PM