Your name and age:
Sarah Lilly (34)
SO's name and age:
Samuel Xander (35)
Any children (names and ages):
Pearl Zipporah (5)
Location: Switzerland
Willing to travel to child's birthplace? Yes
Languages spoken by family? English,
German, French, Italian (
Number of children (max 3): 2
Genders: One girl, one boy
Age range: Girl: 13+, boy: 0-6
Country/ies: Any
Siblings? no
Twins? no
Triplets? no
For the following questions, if yes, please indicate mild, moderate, or severe.
Emotional disablities? moderate
Social disabilities? severe
Physical disablities? mild
Mental disabilities? none
Health problems (diabetes, heart conditions, etc.)? mild
Other pertinent information? We have one Bernese Mountain Dog,
Kuno, and two cats, Trinka and
Mona Lisa, so the children can't be alergic to cats/dogs.