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[Opinions] Re: Caroline
As Caroline is my youngest dd's mn (would have been her fn if I had had my say), I obviously love it. Caroline Corrine -- I prefer Corinne and while I like alliteration, I dislike the way both names end in the 'n' sound.Caroline Paulette -- I like this one.Caroline Cecilia -- Ooh, I really like this one and the nick, Cece!Caroline Antonia -- I love Antonia but not the way these two names flow. WDYT of Antonia Caroline? Pretty!

Caroline Clare -- I like this too; prefer Claire.Some combos I was toying with while pregnant:Caroline Gabrielle
Caroline Juliana -- I was due in July, thus Juliana. ;-)
Caroline Maria -- I considered calling her Cara Mia at the time.
Caroline Paige -- I hate it now, though.
Caroline Rachel
Caroline Sophia
Caroline SusannaRe: Clara Pauline, while I do like it, I like Caroline so much more.
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