[Facts] how do you pronounce Nevaeh?? n/t

Perhaps like everyone's favorite hand cream?
As this name has risen in popularity, I've noticed some differences in suggested pronunciation by various people who chose this name for their children.
Since it is a relatively new, made up name, there is no set way to pronounce it yet. Most often, I have heard neh-'VAY-uh, but recently, there has been a growing trend to try and emphasize it's similarity to "Neve", and I have become aware of such cases in which it is pronounced 'NEE-vay, or nee-'VAY.
Since it is a relatively new, made up name, there is no set way to pronounce it yet. Most often, I have heard neh-'VAY-uh, but recently, there has been a growing trend to try and emphasize it's similarity to "Neve", and I have become aware of such cases in which it is pronounced 'NEE-vay, or nee-'VAY.
The most common way by far seems to be "nuh-VAY-uh", though there are examples of parents who have chosen other ways to say it, such as "nuh-VAY" or "Nevva".
mmh, okay, thx a lot.
sounds a bit like "Nivea", which is a very famous brand for lotion, shampoo etc in germany *gg+
sounds a bit like "Nivea", which is a very famous brand for lotion, shampoo etc in germany *gg+
They also sell Nivea in the USA, and I have a few examples of American girls named Nivea over the last 20 years in my records.
They also sell Nivea in the USA, and I have a few examples of American girls named Nivea over the last 20 years in my records.
and ...
Nivea is pronounced NIV-ee-uh in the US (according to their advertising in the US), which I don't think is very close to Nevaeh (nuh-VAY-uh, nuh-VAY, or NEV-uh) at all.
Nivea is pronounced NIV-ee-uh in the US (according to their advertising in the US), which I don't think is very close to Nevaeh (nuh-VAY-uh, nuh-VAY, or NEV-uh) at all.
This message was edited 5/18/2007, 8:49 AM