[Opinions] Winter
Not sure, but thought maybe you might like the name West for a girl as well. It has such positive connotations throughout history/religions etc. and is warm instead of cold. Just a thought!
I like Winter Annelise; the other combos sound cool but are (imo) adjective-noun phrases instead of names.
*hugs Sabrina Fair*
We were going to name Harmony Harmony Winter had she not have been born early. I love love love Winter for boy or girl.
I like...
Winter Delight
Winter Fable -I prefer this on a boy though.
Winter Faire
Winter Annelise
Winter Promise - ♥ Promise. My baby. I love it!
Winter Welcome -I love both names, but I'm on the fence as to whether I like them together or not.
You seem to have a bit of my style. :)
Winter Indigo
Winter Sapphira
Winter Stelara
Winter Lorelei
Winter Claire
Winter Esmeralda
Winter Treasure
Winter Soleil
Winter Emmaline
Winter Tempest
Winter Silence
Winter Esteem
Winter Kerenza / Kerensa
Winter Capri
Winter Isla
Winter Twyla / Twila
Winter Frost
Winter Bliss
Winter Snow
Winter Kismet
We were going to name Harmony Harmony Winter had she not have been born early. I love love love Winter for boy or girl.
I like...
Winter Delight
Winter Fable -I prefer this on a boy though.
Winter Faire
Winter Annelise
Winter Promise - ♥ Promise. My baby. I love it!
Winter Welcome -I love both names, but I'm on the fence as to whether I like them together or not.
You seem to have a bit of my style. :)
Winter Indigo
Winter Sapphira
Winter Stelara
Winter Lorelei
Winter Claire
Winter Esmeralda
Winter Treasure
Winter Soleil
Winter Emmaline
Winter Tempest
Winter Silence
Winter Esteem
Winter Kerenza / Kerensa
Winter Capri
Winter Isla
Winter Twyla / Twila
Winter Frost
Winter Bliss
Winter Snow
Winter Kismet
Att Seda
I was just wondering what your children are called?
I was just wondering what your children are called?
neat names! i love them, I wish my 'future' husband will like the ones i picked! LOL
I'm lucky James is easygoing. He agreed to name our first daughter Promise though so he can't complain when I want to continue the sibset with word names and usually he didn't. He had an occational, "I don't like that one." and, "Could we use Lila?", but for the most part he just reads my list and picks the ones he likes from it and let's me go from there.
Ah, sleep is good.
Sweet dreams, Dommie.

I'm lucky James is easygoing. He agreed to name our first daughter Promise though so he can't complain when I want to continue the sibset with word names and usually he didn't. He had an occational, "I don't like that one." and, "Could we use Lila?", but for the most part he just reads my list and picks the ones he likes from it and let's me go from there.
Sweet dreams, Dommie.