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[Games] Number CAF
Pick a number between 1 & 100 for each family member's name.DGrandfather: [54]
DGrandmother: [52]
---DD: [30]
-----DH: [31]
-----DD/DS: [12]
-----DS: [11]
---DS: [27]
-----DW: [27]
-----DS: [10]
-----DD: [8]
---DS: [25]
-----DW: [24]
-----DD/DD: [7]
---DD: [22]
------DH: [23]
------DS: [5]
---DD: [21]
------DH: [20]
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DGrandfather: 99, 44 [54]
DGrandmother: 75, 70 [52]
---DD: 1, 6 [30]
-----DH: 100, 95 [31]
-----DD/DS: 64, 78 / 23, 27 [12]
-----DS: 92, 35 [11]
---DS: 2, 7 [27]
-----DW: 67, 84 [27]
-----DS: 41, 71 [10]
-----DD: 55, 58 [8]
---DS: 3, 8 [25]
-----DW: 12, 36 [24]
-----DD/DD: 79, 56 / 17, 100 [7]
---DD: 4, 9 [22]
------DH: 69, 40 [23]
------DS: 37, 88 [5]
---DD: 5, 10 [21]
------DH: 29, 97 [20]
vote up1
DGrandfather: 47 69 [54]
DGrandmother: 30 25 [52]
---DD: 11 77 [30]
-----DH: 23 89 [31]
-----DD/DS: 100 1 and 99 2 [12]
-----DS: 55 63[11]
---DS: 32 6 [27]
-----DW: 49 7 [27]
-----DS: 94 36 [10]
-----DD: 5 22 [8]
---DS: 19 74 [25]
-----DW: 43 53 [24]
-----DD/DD: 2 84 and 85 3 [7]
---DD: 10 71 [22]
------DH: 48 38 [23]
------DS: 1 14 [5]
---DD: 70 30 [21]
------DH: 29 89 [20]
vote up1
DGrandfather: 68 76 [54]
DGrandmother: 82 67 [52]
---DD: 37 75 [30]
-----DH: 67 42 [31]
-----DD/DS: 28 58 / 97 33 [12]
-----DS: 91 56 [11]
---DS: 31 90 [27]
-----DW: 84 92 [27]
-----DS: 68 66 [10]
-----DD: 48 81 [8]
---DS: 21 51 [25]
-----DW: 26 100 [24]
-----DD/DD: 94 42 / 67 100 [7]
---DD: 88 16 [22]
------DH: 95 5 [23]
------DS: 96 92 [5]
---DD: 1 11 [21]
------DH: 7 49 [20]
vote up1
DGrandfather: 10 20 [54]
DGrandmother: 30 40 [52]
---DD: 50 60 [30]
-----DH: 70 80 [31]
-----DD/DS: 90 100 / 11 21 [12]
-----DS: 31 41 [11]
---DS: 51 61 [27]
-----DW: 71 81 [27]
-----DS: 91 9 [10]
-----DD: 19 29 [8]
---DS: 39 49 [25]
-----DW: 59 69 [24]
-----DD/DD: 79 89 / 99 1 [7]
---DD: 5 15 [22]
------DH: 25 35 [23]
------DS: 45 55 [5]
---DD: 65 75 [21]
------DH: 85 95 [20]
vote up1
DGrandfather: 2, 3[54]
DGrandmother: 1, 4[52]
---DD: 88, 99 [30]
-----DH: 10, 11[31]
-----DD/DS: 30, 40 [12]
-----DS: 49, 50 [11]
---DS: 44, 45[27]
-----DW: 55, 37, [27]
-----DS: 72, 54[10]
-----DD: 78, 79[8]
---DS: 65, 68 [25]
-----DW: 66, 67 [24]
-----DD/DD: 87, 97 [7]
---DD: 15, 14 [22]
------DH: 17, 19 [23]
------DS: 16, 18 [5]
---DD: 10, 12[21]
------DH: 8,9 [20]
vote up1
DGrandfather: Michael Robert [54]
DGrandmother: Mary Susan [52]
---DD: Renee Paula [30]
-----DH: Matthew Joseph [31]
-----DD/DS: Katherine Shelby / Eric Nathan [12]
-----DS: Stephen Alex [11]
---DS: Benjamin Keith [27]
-----DW: Katherine Crystal [27]
-----DS: Carlos Taylor [10]
-----DD: Marissa Angela [8]
---DS: Troy Juan [25]
-----DW: Emily Linda [24]
-----DD/DD: Alexa Katie / Kelsey Gabriella [7]
---DD: Amy Megan [22]
------DH: Brandon Nicholas [23]
------DS: David James [5]
---DD: Heather Amber [21]
------DH: John Jason [20]
vote up1
DGrandfather: 1,2 [54]
DGrandmother: 3,4 [52]
---DD: 5,6 [30]
-----DH: 7,8 [31]
-----DD/DS: 9,10/11,12 [12]
-----DS: 13,14 [11]
---DS: 15,16 [27]
-----DW: 17,18 [27]
-----DS: 19,20 [10]
-----DD: 21,22 [8]
---DS: 23,24 [25]
-----DW: 25,26 [24]
-----DD/DD: 27,28 [7]
---DD: 29,30 [22]
------DH: 31,32 [23]
------DS: 33,34 [5]
---DD: 35,36 [21]
------DH: 37,38 [20]
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DGrandfather: James Michael [54]
DGrandmother: Patricia Susan [52]
---DD: Kimberly Lisa [30]
-----DH: Robert Brian [31]
-----DD/DS: Elizabeth Megan / Joseph Zachary [12]
-----DS: David John [11]
---DS: Richard Jeffrey [27]
-----DW: Amanda Julie [27]
-----DS: William Justin [10]
-----DD: Rachel Anna [8]
---DS: Charles Joshua [25]
-----DW: Karen Dawn [24]
-----DD/DD: Jasmine Haley / Rebecca Stephanie [7]
---DD: Kelly Sara [22]
------DH: Benjamin Aaron [23]
------DS: Thomas Jose [5]
---DD: Mary Erica [21]
------DH: Patrick Scott [20]
vote up1
DGrandfather: 88, 44 [54]
DGrandmother: 32, 5 [52]
---DD: 19, 23 [30]
-----DH: 98, 91 [31]
-----DD/DS: 17, 9 / 41, 80 [12]
-----DS: 60, 13 [11]
---DS: 70, 7 [27]
-----DW: 40, 50 [27]
-----DS: 15, 37 [10]
-----DD: 9, 11 [8]
---DS: 21, 10 [25]
-----DW: 62, 22 [24]
-----DD/DD: 48, 84 / 99, 78 [7]
---DD: 2, 8 [22]
------DH: 16, 1 [23]
------DS: 43, 77 [5]
---DD: 4, 18 [21]
------DH: 94, 30 [20]
vote up1
DGrandfather: Leonard Danny [54]
DGrandmother: Catherine Deborah [52]
---DD: Sarah Tammy [30]
-----DH: Vincent Philip [31]
-----DD/DS: Alexis Elizabeth / Richard Jesus [12]
-----DS: Caleb David [11]
---DS: Corey Robert [27]
-----DW: Jamie Michele [27]
-----DS: John Adam [10]
-----DD: Megan Kayla [8]
---DS: Eric Joseph [25]
-----DW: Brandy Rebecca [24]
-----DD/DD: Danielle Jada / Cheyenne Marissa [7]
---DD: Jennifer Nicole [22]
------DH: Brian Michael [23]
------DS: Gabriel Chase [5]
---DD: Ashley Christina [21]
------DH: Brent Kyle [20]
vote up1
I like these names:Catherine Deborah - sp. Kathryn Debra (love Kathryn; Debra is a GP)
Sarah - love it but sp. Sara
Elizabeth - love it but prefer the sp. Elisabeth
Caleb David
Robert - GP as a MN
Michele - love it but sp. Michelle
John Adam - love John!
Kayla - prefer Michaela
Eric Joseph - love Joseph!
Brandy Rebecca - prefer the sp. Brandie
Danielle - prefer Daniela
Jennifer Nicole - love this...but I'm biased since it's my name, exactly! :-)
Brian Michael - Brian is a GP
Christina - also like the spelling Cristina
Brent Kyle - love Kyle!
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