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[Facts] Nickname for Grandma
I would greatly appreciate in any suggestions regarding nicknames for Grandma! lol The only one that come to mind right now are "Nana". I'm going to be a "new" Grandma soon and would love some ideas. Thanks!
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I like G-MA & G-PA OR G-MOM
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I found out today --after 7 years of trying -- I can't wait to hear "Meemee"
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I am going to be a new grandma also
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i had the same problem when my daughter was born as my mum and dad who are french didnt like the typical Mamy (grandma) and Papy (grandpa) so maybe you will like them. As my husband is indian we call them: Nanyma( grandma) and Nanape(grandpa) i think its very sweet i love it!
Also we have Papily (grandpa) and Mamily (grandma)...
Now you can choose! Good luck and enjoy the joy of grand-motherhood!!!!
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A listThere's:oma (German)bubbe (Yiddish)babushka (Russian)abuelita (Spanish)obaasan (Japanese) [pronounced with a quick long o-bahah
{silent h}-sahn]sobo (Japanese) [pronounced so-bo {quick long o on both syllables}]I can find out more if you'd like (the Japanese pronunciations are kinda difficult to transcribe into romanji since inflection also plays a role in what the word means.)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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nonna (Italian)
baka (Croatian)
babica or stara mama (Slovenian)
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Yaya (Greek)
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And what's the Hebrew form of it...?Something like Baboom...?? Don't know it is spelled, but it sounds like Baboom.Magia
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