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[Facts] what does this last name mean?
I was wondering what does the last name "CHASEZ" mean since I am jewish about to marry a man who i have no idea what
his last name means and i don't want to lose my parents faith on my new found love partner and his family hertiages. Please help me?
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Yikes! An anagram of Yasimen Chasez would be "A cheesy Nazism".
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Yasimen, I don't understand why you seem to think it's important to know what the name "Chasez" means in order to marry someone outside of the Jewish faith. If you really are Jewish, and concerned about "losing your parents' faith", then you need to speak to your Rabbi (or to your parents' Rabbi) about the matter. You didn't mention whether your family is Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform.Honestly, Yasimen, the meaning and origin of your fiance's name in a matter such as this is of no importance. Jews have been adopting "non-Jewish" names for centuries.-- Nanaea
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