[Facts] Re: Dreamed this name...
in reply to a message by Christa S.
A quick google search shows Tavanny occurring in several female Spanish names: Camila Tavanny Pinheiro Mendes and Agnes Tavanny da Silva Reis are two that show up in several links.
In this site, Tavanny is listed as a place name in either French-Speaking Switzerland or Savoy:
The translated page indicates that the name is something to do with horseflies, but I'd check that with a French speaker lol. Online translators aren't the best.

In this site, Tavanny is listed as a place name in either French-Speaking Switzerland or Savoy:
The translated page indicates that the name is something to do with horseflies, but I'd check that with a French speaker lol. Online translators aren't the best.

This message was edited 6/26/2007, 10:20 PM