Hello to everyone...I am new here, and I would like to start out by saying:
My adorable one-year-old daughter's name is Eva, after my late, beautiful, feminine, strong, elegant and awesome great-grandmother...
I keep on hearing debates...people actually have the nerve to tell me that I either spell or pronounce her name wrong...and to that I say that names are uniqe and there is no right or wrong way to pronounce a name...you bestow upon a child the best name possible for them, and it is theirs, uniquely, wonderfully thiers, whehter the spelling or pronunciation is different than average or not...It is short for Evalyn, and I think very lovely and the best is that it is both completely soft and beautiful and at the same time strong...We pronounce it with a short "E" as in, just chop off the R in Ever...and there is a link to a sight that is supposed to let you hear the pronunciation oif english words...and here is how my family and I say "eva!" your thoughts???